15 December, 2019

Why Smart Hospitals in Egypt Need to Look After the Security of Their Networks

Author: Jacob Chacko, Regional Business Head – Middle East, Saudi & South Africa (MESA) at HPE Aruba

The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to transform all areas of the economy. But few industries stand to benefit more in a connected world than healthcare.

Consider how a hospital currently operates – running on a network of machines that are constantly monitoring, measuring and analysing, dealing with hundreds of people walking in and out of its doors on a daily basis, and on high alert around the clock. This is the ideal environment for smart, connected devices with greater autonomous, predictive and analytical capability. Turning a siloed device-driven environment into a connected one has the potential to enhance existing operations considerably: improving speed, efficiency and reliability, and ultimately enabling better patient care and experiences. It is little wonder then that US hospitals are already estimated to have as many as 10 to 15 IoT devices per bed, according to research by Zingbox.

Unfortunately, the security considerations of all this connectivity are significant, with implications for both patient data and care. Reports have shown that up to 89% of healthcare organisations that have adopted an IoT strategy have experienced an IoT-related data breach, while patient records are some of the most sought-after by hackers (fetching up to $250 on the black market according to Trustwave).

So what more can hospitals in Egypt do to anticipate the risks of future connectivity? And how can they set up their networks to fight back?

Anticipating and overcoming IoT risks

For any network manager responding to these questions, the starting point is recognising the vulnerabilities that are inherent in large networks of connected devices. With every component offering a potential point of failure or entry to a would-be attacker, the more devices a hospital brings in, the greater the risk of a significant data breach.

But it is not just patient data that could be at risk in a worst-case scenario – far more worrying are the implications for patient care. A device that has autonomy to measure and deliver drug doses, for example, could suffer from a software glitch, or be taken over by a malicious attacker. Meanwhile during an episode of unexpected downtime, a device that isn’t critical to life – such as an MRI scanner – could gain preferential access to one that is, like a heart monitor.

These may be extreme scenarios, but they are something for which every hospital and healthcare provider must prepare. And guarding against them means addressing a key source of IoT vulnerability: network visibility.

Secure, visible, and under control

Protecting a network which houses IoT devices at scale is a challenging task at the best of times, but it can only be achieved if everything – down to the last sensor – is individually logged, secured and monitored. Without a system that allows everything to be “fingerprinted” in this way and then managed accordingly, vulnerabilities emerge that can be exploited.

As the volume and sophistication of IoT devices in hospitals increases, this is only becoming more of a mammoth task for network managers. Traditional approaches for profiling aren’t suitable for many IoT devices, rendering them indistinguishable and generic. And yet the ability to discriminate between devices is absolutely vital. Consider how you would react to an issue with an automated insulin delivery system versus one with the smart sensors in the hospital carpark. Critical-care devices that need to run continuously can’t be treated the same way as those which can be disconnected if needed.

Luckily, there is a solve for this lack of visibility – and that comes in the form of an increasing array of AI and machine learning solutions, like Aruba’s ClearPass Device, that are being created to ensure every device connected to the network can be monitored with the appropriate depth. Running on a purpose-built cloud platform, ClearPass deploys a range of machine learning models to differentiate between devices with similar IT attributes, and build highly detailed, behavioural-based profiles for any that are connected to the network.

Putting the spotlight on network security

When the future of healthcare is discussed, the spotlight is understandably focussed on clinicians, patients and devices. But as smart hospitals become a reality, attention will increasingly shift to the less visible role of the network security manager.

This brings with it great responsibility, but also the opportunity to play a vital role in the ongoing revolution of today’s healthcare system. In the age of IoT continued progress will rely as much on effective security as it does on hardware innovations and digitally enabled caregiving. Doctors will only be able to look after the patients if network managers use the right tools to care for the hospital. So, isn’t it about time you run a proper diagnosis of your network security?

Huawei's first 5G OpenLab

BEIJING, Dec. 12, 2019 /PRNewswire/Knowledge Bylanes -- A news and video report by China.org.cn on the "Huawei's first 5G OpenLab" in Seoul, South Korea:

Huawei is one of the world's leading players in developing 5G technology. Apart from expanding its global market, the company is also engaged in building a healthy 5G ecosystem and driving ICT development locally.

At its 5G OpenLab in South Korea's capital city of Seoul, we had the chance to experience how 5G technology is changing the way we work and play.

Our video host Laura Zheng will take you to experience how 5G technology is changing the way we work and play.

Host Laura Zheng: Cloud PC is an Internet-based computing method. In this way, shared hardware and software resources and information can be provided to various terminals and other devices of the computer on demand, using computer infrastructure provided by the service provider for computing and resources.

Host Laura Zheng: Cloud game is a cloud-based game mode. In the cloud game mode, all games run on the server side, and the rendered game screen is compressed and transmitted to the user through the network.

Host Laura Zheng: Cloud Virtual Reality (Cloud VR) introduces the concept and technology of cloud computing and cloud rendering into VR business applications. With a high-speed and stable network, the cloud display output and sound output are encoded and compressed. The device is transmitted to the user's terminal device to implement VR service content and rendering on the cloud.

Host Laura Zheng: Huawei said the OpenLab is designed to provide 5G testing environments and interoperability services for small-and-medium enterprises and local startups. In the lab, Huawei has deployed end-to-end 5G network equipment, including the latest 5G base stations, core networks, and transport networks, for its partners to use for free. The company has also pledged to invest more in the OpenLab.

Video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsVN5nahlPI

Elsewedy Electric Supports Peacebuilding in Africa through its Participation in “Aswan Forum” 2019

Aswan, Egypt: 12 December 2019 – Elsewedy Electric, a global leader in integrated energy solutions committed to contributing positively to society and creating a sustainable future, sponsored the Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development. The Forum is the first of its kind in Africa to address the interlinkages between peace and development under an Agenda for Sustainable Peace, Security, and Development in Africa on 11-12 December 2019 in Aswan, Egypt.

As part of Elsewedy Electric’s commitment to empower a better Africa, key representatives from the company proudly took part in the Forum alongside some of the most notable African leaders to support peacebuilding and sustaining peace in Africa given the immense potential of the continent.

The Forum brings together heads of state and governments, leaders from national governments, regional and international organizations and prominent experts, to addresses current opportunities and challenges to peace, security, and development in Africa.

“Elsewedy Electric recognizes the importance of contributing positively to the communities in which we operate as a trusted partner within the African framework given our long-term partnerships to foster employment, education and the human prosperity,” said Eng. Ahmed Elsewedy, CEO and President of Elsewedy Electric.

The Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development envisioned as an annual event to be held in December to bring together heads of states and governments, leaders from national governments, regional and international organizations and financial institutions, the private sector, and civil society, as well as visionaries, scholars, and prominent experts for a context-specific, action-oriented, and forward looking discussion on the threats and challenges, as well as opportunities, ahead for Africa.

New hope for heart patients in Egypt with innovative surgical approach

New hope for heart patients in Egypt with innovative surgical approach

Revolutionary technique simplifies up to four heart surgeries into one

It is estimated that 40% of patients in Egypt who suffer from a cardiovascular disease (CVD) will face premature mortality[i]. This worrying statistic means that it is imperative that CVD patients have access to viable ways of treating such cardiac issues. Obesity, a lack of physical activity and having raised blood pressure are just some of the key attributable risk factors that can trigger the onset of non-communicable diseases (NCD) such as CVD.

The rising number of CVDs in the region has reached upsetting levels for families, individuals and governments alike. As heart problems begin developing, the risk of new complications increase which can result in these problems growing to affect multiple elements of the heart’s functioning, requiring multiple and often specialist surgeries to resolve the issue.

Revolutionary technique avoids numerous surgeries for heart patients

Dr Toufan Bahrami, a consultant cardiac surgeon at Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital Specialist Care, has developed a pioneering technique to minimise the time heart patients with complex cases spend undergoing surgery and recover faster, which could help to combat the growing mortality rate caused by CVDs in Egypt.

Dr Bahrami developed a revolutionary heart procedure that is suited to heart patients needing multiple surgical procedures. Patients suffering from multiple life-threatening heart problems can have up to four surgical procedures completed during a single operation, using minimal access techniques.

Speaking with Dr Bahrami about this revolutionary technique, he explains “At Harefield Hospital we have developed a procedure that traditionally would be up to four different heart surgeries - fixing the mitral valve, tricuspid valve, ablation, and left atrial appendage closure. Now this all can be done in one surgery with quicker recovery time."

The procedure is very beneficial for the thousands of patients each year who develop multiple heart problems in Egypt – such as serious cases of high blood pressure, stroke, or irregular heart rhythms - it spares patients from undergoing multiple separate operations. It also helps reduce the disruption to their daily life, allowing them to get back to their families, hobbies and work much more quickly, rather than undergoing another heart operation within a short space of time.

In this procedure, Dr Bahrami accesses the heart via a handful of small cuts instead of the standard large incision through the breastbone. He highlighted “Depending on the condition of the patient, the surgery is either conducted ‘off-pump’ while the heart is still beating, or a heart-bypass machine is used to stop the heart for as little as 10 minutes compared to 30 minutes in traditional surgery.”

The instruments used in video-assisted surgical procedures are also different to those used in traditional surgery and it takes many years of training to develop the skills needed. The procedure is both very delicate and sophisticated with "the operation being video-assisted, utilising a state-of-the-art 3D camera and a large high-definition monitor, which gives an extremely clear view inside the body, instead of using direct vision, which requires a larger access port. The aortic valve (the valve in the heart that holds the oxygen-rich blood which is pumped out to the body) is accessed endoscopically with three small access holes. One for the camera, one to put a clamp on the aorta, and one to expose the valve.”

Mr Bahrami adds “Every week, we do at least two of these types of surgery. The number of times we have performed this procedure has made us outstanding. We have done mini-access heart surgery here since 2001. The programme that we are doing today has at least fifteen years’ experience behind it"

The surgery takes about three hours and the patient typically stays at the hospital to recover for around five to seven days.

Comparing the mini-access procedure to the more standard sternotomy approach, Dr Bahrami clarifies “The length of stay in the hospital is mainly the same; what makes a difference is afterwards. The integrity of the chest is preserved, so therefore the recovery is much quicker. Those who have a sternotomy can suffer for around two to three months. They often cannot go back to work nor drive for eight weeks at least. They can be very slow in recovery.”

He explains that particularly for obese patients, with traditional surgery they could spend “months” in the hospital. But with minimally invasive surgery they can go home after a much shorter period as their recovery is so much better – in as little as three days. Patients’ symptoms and quality of life is improved by fixing up to four issues in one go: the mitral valve, tricuspid valve, ablation, and left atrial appendage closure.

Dr Bahrami comments; “The whole operating theatre team – anaesthetists, nursing staff, and perfusionists – have been trained and are experts in this revolutionary technique. It’s not just one person who knows how to do the procedure or how it works – there is a whole team who are skilled to do it. They have the skills and are used to it.”
تقنية جديدة ومبتكرة لجراحة القلب في مصر

تتيح لمرضى القلب إجراء 4 عمليات في آنٍ واحد

++ ديسمبر 2019: تشير التقديرات إلى أن 40% من المرضى الذين يعانون من أمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية في مصر سيواجهون خطر الوفاة المبكرة، وهو ما يحتم عليهم الوصول إلى أساليب مجدية لمعالجة هذه الأمراض، والتي تنتج عادة بسبب السمنة وقلة النشاط البدني وارتفاع ضغط الدم، والتي تُعد بعضاً من العوامل الخطرة التي قد تؤدي إلى هذه الأمراض غير المُعدية. 

ووصل عدد المُصابين بأمراض القب والأوعية الدموية في المنطقة إلى مستويات خطيرة بالنسبة للعائلات والأفراد وحتى الحكومات، إذ يترافق تطور مشاكل القلب مع ارتفاع المخاطر المرتبطة بحدوث مُضاعفات ومشاكل قد تؤثر سلباً على وظائف مُتعددة للقلب، مما يعني تعرّض المُصابين بأمراض القلب لحالات متزايدة التعقيد تتطلب توفر رعاية صحية متخصصة.

تقنيةٌ ثوريةٌ تختصر الحاجة لإجراء عدة عمليات جراحية لمرضى القلب

نجح الدكتور توفان بهرامين، استشاري وجراح أمراض القلب في ’مستشفى رويال برومبتون وهارفيلد التخصصي‘، في تطوير تقنية ثورية مبتكرة تُتيح لمرضى القلب ذوي الحالات المعقدة تقليل الوقت المستغرق في العمليات الجراحية والتعافي بشكل أسرع، والتي يمكن أن تساعد في مواجهة وتخفيض معدل الوفيات المتزايد بسبب الأمراض القلبية في مصر. 

وتُعد هذه التقنية المبتكرة مناسبة لعلاج مرضى القلب الذين يحتاجون لإجراء عمليات جراحية مُتعددة، حيث يمكن للمرضى الذين يعانون من مشاكل قلبية تُهدد حياتهم إجراء ما يصل إلى 4 عمليات جراحية عبر عملية واحدة باستخدام تقنياتٍ تتطلّب الحد الأدنى من التدخل الجراحي.

وتعليقاً على التقنية الجديدة، قال الدكتور توفان بهرامي: "نجحنا في مستشفى "هارفيلد التخصصي" بتطوير تقنية ثورية تتيح إجراء 4 جراحات قلبيّة في آنٍ واحد، بما في ذلك إصلاح الصمام التاجي، والصمام ثلاثي الشرفات، والاستئصال الموضعي، وإغلاق مُلحق الأذين الأيسر، وهو ما يضمن للمريض وقتاً أسرع للشفاء دون الحاجة للخضوع لعدة عمليات جراحية".

وينطوي هذا الإجراء على فوائد كبيرة للغاية بالنسبة لآلاف الأشخاص الذين يتعرضون سنوياً إلى مشاكل قلبية متعددة في مصر، مثل الحالات الخطرة لارتفاع ضغط الدم أو السكتة الدماغية أو عدم انتظام ضربات القلب؛ حيث تسهم التقنية الجديدة في تقليل الحاجة للخضوع لعملياتٍ جراحية مُنفصلة، مما يُخفف بالتالي آلام المرضى وانشغالهم بالمرض في حياتهم اليومية، ويسمح بعودتهم إلى عائلاتهم وهواياتهم وأعمالهم بسرعةٍ أكبر، بدلاً من إجراء عملية قلب أخرى خلال فترة زمنية قصيرة.

مركز للتميز

عند استخدام هذا الإجراء، يقوم الدكتور بهرامي بالوصول لعضلة القلب عن طريق إنشاء مجموعة صغيرة جداً من الندوب، بدلاً من استخدام المبضع الجراحي التقليدي الذي يتسبب بشق جرحٍ كبير في عظم الصدر.

وتختلف الأدوات المستخدمة في العمليات الجراحية بمساعدة الفيديو عن الطرق المُتبعة في الجراحات التقليدية، كما أنها تستغرق سنواتٍ طويلة من التدريب لتطوير المهارات اللازمة. وتمتاز التقنية الجديدة بتطوّرها ودقتها الفائقة؛ حيث تعتمد على مساعدة الفيديو، باستخدام كاميرا متطورة ثلاثية الأبعاد وشاشة عرض كبيرة عالية الدقة، مما يوفر رؤية واضحة للغاية داخل الجسم، بدلاً من الاعتماد على الرؤية المباشرة التي تتطلب منفذ وصولٍ أكبر. ويمكن الوصول إلى الصمام الأبهري، الذي يحمل الدم الغني بالأكسجين لضخه في الجسم، باستخدام منظارٍ مزوّد بثلاثة ثقوب صغيرة، يكون أولها مخصصاً للكاميرا، والآخر لوضع المشبك على الشريان الأبهر، وآخر لفتح الصمام".

وقال الدكتور بهرامي: "نقوم كل أسبوع بإجراء عمليتين من هذه الجراحات على الأقل، وقد اكتسبنا خبرة واسعة ومهارات عالية بعد استخدام التقنية الجديدة مرات متعددة في العمليات الجراحية، ولم أسمع مسبقاً بأن مريضاً تمكن من إصلاح الصمام التاجي والصمام ثلاثي الشرفات وإجراء استئصال موضعي من خلال عملية جراحية واحدة، حيث يخضع المريض في العادة لعلاج الصمام التاجي أولاً، وتبقى الأجزاء الأخرى دون معالجة". 

التعافي بوتيرة أسرع

يستغرق إجراء العملية باستخدام التقنية الجديدة حوالي ثلاث ساعات، ويبقى المريض في المستشفى بغرض التعافي لمدة تتراوح بين 5-7 أيام في العادة.

وتعليقاً على المُقارنة بين العمليات الجراحية التي تتطلّب الحد الأدنى من التدخل الجراحي، ونهج المبضع الجراحي التقليدي، قال الدكتور بهرامي: "إن مدة الإقامة في المستشفى بشكل عام هي نفسها، ولكن يمكن اكتشاف الفرق الإيجابي والملموس بوضوح لاحقاً. وتضمن التقنية الجديدة الحفاظ على سلامة الصدر، وبالتالي يكون الشفاء أسرع بكثير مقارنة بالجراحة التقليدية، حيث أن العمليات باستخدام المبضع الجراحي التقليدي تتطلّب توفير الرعاية والعناية للمرضى لمدة تتراوح بين 2-3 أشهر، وغالباً لا يمكنهم العودة للعمل أو قيادة السيارة قبل 8 أسابيع على الأقل من الخضوع لها، ناهيك عن أن وتيرة التعافي تكون بطيئة للغاية".

ويؤكد الدكتور بهرامي أن المرضى الذين يعانون من السمنة المفرطة قد يُضطرون لقضاء عدة أشهر في المستشفى بعد إجراء العملية الجراحية التقليدية، ولكن التقنية الجديدة تضمن لهم تعافياً سريعاً لأنها تتطلب الحد الأدنى من التدخل الجراحي؛ ويمكن للمريض بعدها العودة لمنزله بعد فترة أقصر، والتعافي بسرعة أكبر في غضون ثلاثة أيام. كما تسهم التقنية الجديدة في تحسين الأعراض المُصاحبة للمرضى ونوعية حياتهم عن طريق إصلاح 4 مشكلاتٍ قلبية دفعةً واحدة، تشمل إصلاح الصمام التاجي، والصمام ثلاثي الشرفات، والاستئصال الموضعي، وإغلاق مُلحق الأذين الأيسر.

فريق طبي عالي الكفاءة

وتابع الدكتور بهرامي: "تم إعداد فريق عالي التدريب والكفاءة لتشغيل غرفة العمليات بالكامل، بما في ذلك أخصائيي التخدير والممرضين وأخصائيي تروية القلب والجهاز التنفسي، والذين يتمتعون بخبرة كافية في استخدام التقنية الجراحية الجديدة. ونحن لا نعتمد على متخصصٍ واحد لاستخدام التقنية الجديدة، بل نمتلك فريقاً متكاملاً عالي المهارات وعلى استعدادٍ دائم لإجراء العمليات الجراحية".

Google Makes Products More Helpful in Arabic

In a commitment to make products more helpful in Arabic, Google makes a series of announcements at its largest event in the region - a richer, more visual experience on Search in Arabic, a safety feature on Maps, a virtual Assistant in Arabic in 15 countries, and 1m USD grant for a digital skills program

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, 10 December 2019, (AETOSWire): Google made a series of announcements today, at its largest event in the region, in a commitment to make its products more helpful to the Arab world. The announcements are new features on Google Search, the launch of Google Assistant in 15 new countries, a new safety feature on Maps and one million USD grant to scale digital skills programs next year.

Lino Cattaruzzi, Managing Director for Google in the Middle East and North Africa, said: “Every day, people in the Middle East and North Africa turn to Google for help, to get things done and to learn new things. Over the years, we’ve improved how our products work for in Arabic, whether that was on Search, Assistant, Maps or YouTube. We are committed to making our products more helpful to people in the Middle East and North Africa, and to scale our digital skills program to open opportunities for more people.”

The announcements include:

A richer, more visual Search experience in Arabic -

A new display of information in a simple one box related to movie timings, music and sports - three of the top things people search for in Arabic.

Cameos - a new feature that allows public personalities, actors and artists to post videos on the Search homepage where they answer popular questions addressed to them.

Google Assistant in 15 Arab countries - Google’s virtual assistant, designed to help people get things done like making calls, playing music and navigate traffic, will be available in Arabic and will understand the local dialects in 15 countries - United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Iraq, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine and Mauritania. The Assistant was launched earlier in 2019 in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

Updates on Google Maps -

Stay Safe - a feature that gives users an “off-route alert” when a driver has deviated from the suggested route by more than 500 meters, with an option to share live trip update with friends and family.

Motorcycle mode in Egypt - a feature to help Egyptian motorcyclists navigate traffic and avoid congested routes

$1 million grant in digital skills - Google.org is regranting Injaz, an NGO that specializes in youth training, $1 million to scale digital skills trainings in Arabic, to reach a further 100,000 people in 2020.

The Google for MENA event was attended by hundreds of people representing government, business leaders, developers and entrepreneurs.

In 2018, Google launched an Arabic digital skills program, “Maharat min Google,” which has reached more than 500,000 young people, women and underprivileged students in the MENA region. 130,000 of those were able to find jobs, grow their careers and their businesses.

A 2019 research by Public First research company estimates that 89% of people in the UAE and Saudi Arabia use Search once a month to learn a new skill, and 80% of online Egyptians use Google Search because it provides new information not available by other means.

Google rend ses produits plus accessibles pour les arabophones

Google annonce de nouveaux produits et de nouvelles fonctionnalités, afin de rendre ses produits plus accessibles dans le monde arabe, que ce soit en obtenant des réponses plus rapides sur Google Search ou en utilisant Maps pour trouver son chemin plus facilement.

Dubaï, Émirats Arabes Unis, le 10 décembre 2019, (AETOSWire) : Google a effectué une série d'annonces aujourd'hui, lors de son plus grand événement tenu dans la région. Ces annonces reflètent son engagement à rendre ses produits plus accessibles dans le monde arabe. Les annonces comprennent de nouvelles fonctionnalités sur Google Search, le lancement de Google Assistant dans 15 nouveaux pays, la nouvelle fonctionnalité de sécurité sur Maps et la subvention d'un million de dollars accordée à une ONG pour développer des programmes de compétences numériques en 2020.

Selon Lino Cattaruzzi, Directeur général de Google dans la région MENA : "Chaque jour, les individus au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord font appel à Google pour obtenir de l'aide. Nous avons amélioré la manière dont nos produits fonctionnent pour les arabophones, que ce soit en obtenant des réponses plus rapides sur Google Search ou en utilisant Maps pour trouver son chemin plus facilement Nous espérons que les produits et les mises à jour que nous annonçons aujourd'hui rendront Google encore plus utile, et que notre programme de compétences numériques puisse ouvrir de nouvelles opportunités pour le plus grand nombre ".

Les annonces comprennent :

Une recherche plus simple et plus rapide pour les questions les plus fréquentes en arabes - Le cinéma, la musique et les sports sont trois éléments parmi les plus recherchés au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord. Nous affichons actuellement les réponses aux questions les plus fréquentes dans une simple fenêtre en haut de la page des résultats de recherche, afin que les utilisateurs puissent obtenir les informations plus rapidement.

Cameos, nouvelle fonctionnalité relative aux célébrités sur Google Search - Les célébrités font partie des sujets que les internautes recherchent le plus souvent. Cameos est une fonctionnalité de Google Search où les célébrités publient des vidéos pour répondre aux questions les plus fréquentes les concernant. Par exemple, si les utilisateurs effectuent des recherches sur l'actrice tunisienne Hend Sabry, ils seront orientés vers les vidéos où elle répond à de nombreuses questions posées par les fans comme : "exercer la profession d’avocat vous manque-il ? " ou "Quelle est la cause qui vous tient à cœur?"

Un assistant virtuel arabe dans 15 pays - L'assistant virtuel de Google, conçu pour aider les individus à accomplir des tâches comme passer des appels téléphoniques, jouer de la musique et conduire en plein trafic, sera disponible dans 15 pays dont - les Émirats Arabes Unis, le Yémen, Oman, le Koweït, le Bahreïn, le Qatar, l'Irak, le Maroc, l'Algérie, la Tunisie, la Libye, le Liban, la Jordanie, la Palestine et la Mauritanie.

Une nouvelle fonctionnalité de sécurité sur Google Maps - C'est une fonctionnalité qui donne aux utilisateurs une "alerte hors-piste" lorsque le conducteur s'écarte de l'itinéraire suggéré de plus de 500 mètres, avec pour option le partage du déroulement de leur voyage en direct avec les amis et la famille.

Une subvention d'un million de dollars pour les compétences numériques - Google.org accorde à Injaz, une ONG spécialisée dans la formation des jeunes, une subvention d'un million de dollars pour développer son programme de compétences numériques pour toucher plus de 100 000 individus en 2020. En 2018, Google a lancé un programme de compétences numériques en langue arabe, intitulé "Maharat min Google", qui a touché plus de 500 000 jeunes, femmes et étudiants défavorisés. En effet, 130 000 d'entre eux ont pu trouver un emploi ou développer leurs carrières et entreprises.

Des centaines de participants, représentant des gouvernements, des chefs d'entreprise, développeurs et entrepreneurs ont assisté à l'événement ‘Google for MENA’.

En 2018, Google a lancé un programme de compétences numériques en langue arabe, intitulé "Maharat min Google", qui a touché plus de 500 000 jeunes, femmes et étudiants défavorisés. En effet, 130 000 d'entre eux ont pu trouver un emploi et développer leurs carrières et entreprises.

Une étude menée en 2019 par la société de recherche Public First estime que 89 % de personnes aux Émirats Arabes Unis et en Arabie saoudite utilisent le moteur de recherche une fois par mois pour apprendre une nouvelle compétence, alors que 80 % des Égyptiens connectés utilisent ‘Google Search’ du fait qu'il fournit une variété de nouvelles informations qui ne sont pas disponibles à travers d'autres moyens.

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