07 December, 2016

منتجع جزيرة ميليدهو ملاذ زوار المالديف في فصل الشتاء

المالديف، 7 ديسمبر 2016: يأتي افتتاح منتجع ميليدهو جزيرة المالديف الفاخر والمصنف من فئة خمسة نجوم كواحد من أهم المشاريع المنتظرة لعام 2016. إذ يشكل ميليدهو المنتجع الوحيد في الجزيرة المرجانية المخصص للأزواج الباحثين عن أماكن رومانسية لقضاء شهر العسل، بينما يلبّي المنتجع كذلك احتياجات الزوار من العائلات القادمين برفقة أطفالهم.

ويتفرد المنتجع بما يطلق عليه عليه "لحظات ميليدهو"، وهي عبارة عن مجموعة من الأنشطة الحصرية للمسافرين الباحثين عن تجارب فاخرة تبقى ذكريات لا تنسى.
وبمناسبة الافتتاح سيتيح الفندق لضيوفه فرصة الدخول لخليج هانيفارو، وهو منطقة بحرية محمية تضم أكبر التجمعات الموسمية لأسماك المانتا (شيطان البحر) في العالم، بالإضافة إلى أنها واحدة من أفضل البقاع لاكتشاف أمكان سباحة أسماك قرش الحوت في المالديف.
السعر: تخفيض بنسبة 35% ابتداءً من 2 يناير 2017
(1476 دولار أمريكي بالإضافة إلى الرسوم الضريبية) لليلة الواحدة على الفيلات الشاطئية لشخصين شاملة وجبة الفطور
المكان: المالديف، جزيرة ميليدهو
للحجز والتواصل: +960 665 4441, shanoon@milaidhoo.com 

Focus Softnet Appoints Swina International As Gold Partner In Myanmar

Swina to help promote and market Focus’ entire suite of ERP solutions across Myanmar
Dubai, UAE, December 7, 2016: Focus Softnet announced that it has signed Swina International as its gold partner in Myanmar. This partnership will help the company strengthen its Far East operations and increase it footprint in Myanmar. Swina International will help promote and market Focus’ entire suite of ERP solutions including Focus 8, Focus i and Focus RT to businesses across the country including verticals such as trading and manufacturing.

“As part of our growth plans, we have been building and strengthening our channel network in many countries across Asia. Partners are an extension of our company and we plan to train and enable them to provide quality service and support and in turn improve customer relations and satisfaction. We feel this region has tremendous potential and appointing partners such as Swina is a step in the right direction,” says Mohammed Jawad Ali Khan, CEO – North America and APEC, Focus Softnet.

“We are delighted to partner with Swina for Myanmar and are excited about working together to increase our market share and sales in the country. This partnership strengthens our operations in the Far East and we look forward to leveraging Swina’s expertise and market experience in the trading and manufacturing segment and other vertical sectors to promote our ERP solutions. We are confident they will help us grow our business in the country,” adds Baqitar Siddique, Regional Head - Far East, Focus Softnet.

Focus Softnet is developer of business software solutions. The company understands the challenges of today’s competitive business environment and the need for innovation, and to help address those challenges, it offers custom-built IT solutions to help organizations focus on what they do best - to drive business and accelerate their success.  

“Focus Softnet is a reputed vendor with an extensive range of enterprise solutions that meets the need of nearly every vertical sector. Their solutions are feature-rich, competitively priced and highly customizable and will be a perfect fit for our customers in Myanmar. We are excited to work closely with the Focus Softnet team and our confident that we will be successful in increasing their market reach in this country,” says Padam Salecha, Managing Director, Swina International.

The Focus Suite of advanced business applications has enhanced business efficiency at more than 30,000 corporations across the globe. The company counts amongst its clients leading names such as Air Arabia, Boeing, National Bonds, ICCAT, Taleem, Chapal World, Ajman Bank, SNASCO, Alinco, Total Lubricants to name a few.

Alpha Data deploys HP Managed Print Services for Al Barakah Holding

MPS solution equals cost savings, increased productivity, ‘Green’ environment, enhanced security

UAE, December 07, 2016 - Alpha Data, the UAE’s leading systems integrator and one of the longest-standing IT companies in the country, has implemented Managed Print Services (MPS) for Al Barakah Holding, one of the finest housing developers in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, to ensure a secured print environment.

Al Barakah Holding previously sought to establish a paperless office to support global sustainability efforts and considered various solutions. Its setup then had multiple brands of printers servicing its group of companies spread across different emirates – resulting in high operational and financial overheads. Al Barakah Holding finally opted for Alpha Data’s MPS as the right solution offering the highest levels of security, monitoring and control and providing complete outsourced printing support for improved productivity through optimal use of resources. MPS was also chosen for its complete portfolio of hardware, software and services inclusive of spare parts, consumables and onsite support.

Naeem Badawi, Sales Manager at Alpha Data, said: “Alpha Data helped Al Barakah Holding to seamlessly optimize its print infrastructure, improve workflow, and save costs. After considering options from several providers, the client decided to go with Alpha Data MPS for our leading-edge solutions which will help them build a flexible and highly secured print environment. We also proved our efficiency by delivering the hardware and activating the software in a very short amount of time. Moreover, the intelligent devices we deployed complement Al Barakah Holding’s existing Enterprise Resource Planning system and future plans.”

Alpha Data’s MPS is a comprehensive solution implemented at Al Barakah Holding which features terminal monitoring and a centralized print server that enables the client to significantly save costs. The project started in mid-June of 2016 and was completed within the one-month deadline. Alpha Data is certified as an IS0 27001 Public Managed Printing Service Provider.

"ألفا داتا" تدعم "البركة القابضة" بخدمات الطباعة المُدارة

حلول الطباعة المُدارة تسهم في خفض التكاليف وزيادة الإنتاجية وفق أعلى معايير الأمن والمواصفات الصديقة للبيئة

الإمارات، 07 ديسمبر 2016 - كشفت "ألفا داتا (Alpha Data)، شركة الأنظمة المتكاملة والمزود الرائد للخدمات المُدارة في دولة الإمارات، عن استكمال أعمال تطبيق خدمات الطباعة المُدارة في شركة "البركة القابضة"، إحدى أبرز الشركات الرائدة في مجال تطوير المشاريع السكنية العمالية في أبوظبي ودبي، وذلك بهدف تزويد الشركة ببيئة طباعة تتّسم بأعلى معايير الأمن والفعالية في تزويد كافة الفروع التابعة لها بخوادم طرفية عالية الجودة، بما من شأنه أن يسهم في خفض التكاليف ورفع الإنتاجية وفق أعلى مستويات الأمن والمواصفات الصديقة للبيئة.

وسعت "البركة القابضة" فيما مضى إلى إنشاء مكتب لا يتم فيه استخدام الورق على نحو واسع وذلك في إطار دعم جهود الاستدامة آخذة بعين الاعتبار مختلف الحلول في هذا المجال، حيث اشتمل مشروعها على طابعات من علامات تجارية عديدة لخدمة مجموعة شركاتها المنتشرة في مختلف أنحاء الإمارات، ما أدى إلى ارتفاع في النفقات التشغيلية والمالية. وقامت "البركة القابضة" باختيار خدمات الطباعة المُدارة من "ألفا داتا" كحل مناسب يقدم أعلى مستويات الأمان والرقابة والتحكم وتوفير دعم طباعي كامل من أجل تحسين الإنتاجية عبر الاستخدام الأمثل للموارد. كما تم اختيار حلول الطباعة المُدارة نظراً لمجموعتها الكاملة من الأجهزة والبرمجيات والخدمات الداعمة، بما في ذلك قطع الغيار والمواد الاستهلاكية وخدمات الدعم والصيانة في الموقع.

وقال نعيم بدوي، مدير المبيعات في شركة "ألفا داتا": "عملنا على تمكين "البركة القابضة" من الإرتقاء بالبنية التحتية للطباعة في الشركة وتحسين سير العمل وخفض التكاليف ذات الصلة. ونحن سعداء باختيارنا من قبل "البركة القابضة"، كما نؤكّد التزامنا تجاهها بمواصلة تقديم أفضل الحلول المتطوّرة والمصمّمة خصيصاً لضمان توفير بيئة طباعة على درجة عالية من المرونة والأمن والفعالية. وعلى الرغم من ضيق الوقت، إلّا أنّنا استطعنا تطبيق جميع البرمجيات والأجهزة ضمن فترة قصيرة وتسليم المشروع بإقتدار في الموعد المحدّد، مع الحرص على استخدام أحدث الأجهزة المختارة بما يتناسب مع "نظم تخطيط موارد المؤسّسات" (ERP) وخططنا المستقبلية".

ويُذكر أن "ألفا داتا"، الحائزة على شهادة "أيزو 27001" كمزوّد معتمد لخدمات الطباعة المُدارة العامة، قد بدأت المشروع في منتصف شهر يونيو/حزيران الماضي ونجحت في استكماله خلال شهر واحد ضمن الموعد المحدّد. وتتميّز خدمات الطباعة المُدارة، التي تم تطبيقها في "البركة القابضة"، بأنّها تشمل خدمات رصد الأجهزة الطرفية وتستند إلى خادم طباعة مركزيّ مزوّد بأحدث التكنولوجيا للحد من التكاليف.

Nine in 10 GCC leaders believe health and safety key to business success, survey reveals

Leaders across the GCC are identifying worker protection against injury and ill health as vital to safeguarding their businesses’ reputation and resilience and improving productivity, according to new survey findings published today.

Nine in 10 senior managers operating within the Gulf Corporation Council believe the investment decisions they make on health and safety are business critical, with 85 per cent making them a top priority at board level. And 88 per cent believe that all employees have a role to play in preventing workplace accidents and ill health, not just health and safety specialists.

The survey, conducted on behalf of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), asked 250 decision-makers in the GCC how much value they place on health and safety in the workplace. IOSH, the leading professional body in work-related safety and health, revealed the results ahead of their yearly safety and health conference in Abu Dhabi, at which it will showcase updated versions of its portfolio of training products.

Ahmed El Hadidi, Chair of IOSH’s UAE Branch, said: “When people go to work, they should do so in the knowledge they will return home without their safety or health being put at risk. With that in mind, it is very encouraging that the IOSH survey has shown the majority of organisations view health and safety as an important business function.”

“It is also good to see they recognise health and safety as everyone’s responsibility. Employees play a vital role. If they see something which is unsafe, they have a responsibility to rectify it, provided it is safe to do so, and they are knowledgeable and competent enough to make that decision. Otherwise, they should report it”, added El Hadidi.

The survey questioned senior managers in nine industries: construction, oil and gas, education, sport, healthcare, finance, transport, technology and hospitality. The managers were based in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman.

Of them, 91 per cent agreed that investing in the health and safety of their workforce is essential to ensuring their business has a good reputation, is resilient and is productive, with 36 per cent strongly agreeing.

Thirty-six per cent strongly agreed that their employees’ health and safety is a top priority at board level, while 50 per cent strongly agreed that all employees have a responsibility for health and safety.

The survey was conducted to coincide with UK-based IOSH’s showcase of new versions of three of its courses: Leading Safely, Managing Safely and Working Safely. These are market-leading products aimed at non-safety and health professionals. Following feedback from customer surveys, the Institution has made the products more applicable to Middle East audiences, including the introduction of statistics and laws from various countries. The products will be launched early in 2017.

With more than 2,000 members working in the GCC, IOSH chose the UAE to showcase updated versions of its portfolio of health and safety training products, revised to reflect the growing appetite for country-specific courses on worker protection.  

Dina Alkhalidi, Head of Customer Engagement at IOSH, said: “Over the past 12 months, we’ve been working hard to understand the needs of the market. Our courses run in 74 different countries and it’s very clear that we’ve a wide audience base across the world. We wanted to be responsive to their needs and have built into the courses the flexibility for trainers to add in country-specific content.”

Bas Halin, Technical Director for JC Decaux in the Middle East, has put 30 of his managers and supervisors through the Managing Safely course.

He said: “It gives them a higher level of understanding of their roles and responsibilities and provides the tools to manage safety and health better. It’s great to run courses that come from an organisation and voice of authority such as IOSH, which is recognised the world over. IOSH is helping us drive a cultural change throughout our business that means we all take responsibility for working safely. I’ve already seen it in action on my site visits.”

IOSH has three branches – UAE, Qatar and Oman – but has members in other countries in the region.

The IOSH UAE Branch is hosting the Networking Conference at the Al Raha Beach Hotel in Abu Dhabi between 8.30am and 4.30pm on Thursday 8 December. As well as the training products showcase, it will also see the Ministry of Education, the Abu Dhabi Occupational Safety and Health Center and Dubai Municipality provide updates on their work.

For more information on the training products visit www.iosh.co.uk/training

NYU Abu Dhabi Graduate Selected as Schwarzman Scholar for Study in China

Abu Dhabi, December 7, 2016: NYU Abu Dhabi graduate Mohammed Omar has been selected as a 2017 Schwarzman Scholar, an honor that will support master’s degree study at Tsinghua University in Beijing.

Roxanne Roman and Jacko Walz, seniors at NYU Shanghai, as well as Anushka Prasad, a 2013 graduate of NYU’s College of Arts and Science, were also among the 129 chosen.

The 2017 Schwarzman Scholars, founded by Blackstone Chairman, CEO, and Co-Founder Stephen A. Schwarzman, include students from 30 countries and 75 universities with 45 percent from the United States, 20 percent from China, and 35 percent from the rest of the world.

Scholars pursue degrees in Public Policy, Economics & Business, and International Studies, and spend a year immersed in an international community of thinkers, innovators and senior leaders in business, politics and society.

Originally from South Africa, Mohammed Omar graduated from NYUAD in 2014 with a double major in mechanical engineering and mathematics. He was a member of the inaugural class at NYUAD and was instrumental in establishing the university’s student government, having been elected student body president twice. He then went on to complete his M.S. in mechanical engineering at NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering, where he worked on analyzing composite materials. His group is the first to successfully create a metal matrix syntactic foam core sandwich composite; the results were published in Material Science & Engineering. In 2015, Omar joined the professional services firm AlphaSights as an associate in its Dubai office.

Mohammed Omar said: "I am so grateful to have the opportunity to study at Tsinghua University through the Schwarzman Program. I hope to use this opportunity not only to broaden my horizon of thinking, but to learn from a community who truly believes they can change the world. The global study experiences, liberal arts education and academically rigorous engineering program I was privileged enough to receive at NYU Abu Dhabi contributed a great deal to my application. I'd like to thank the Career Development Center and the NYUAD community for supporting me throughout the process. I hope to make you proud."

NYU Abu Dhabi Vice Chancellor Al Bloom said: "Mohammed was an extraordinary member of our remarkable inaugural class who went on to engage with powerful intellectual acumen and ever expanding creative imagination the rigor and breadth of our academic program. At the same time he played a central role in creating a distinctive student community of leaders prepared to shape a global world. He was twice elected President of our student body. I know that his extended engagement with Chinese culture will equip Mohammed to build bridges of mutual understanding and cooperation between China and the globe. I congratulate Mohammed as a Scwarzman Scholar."

The 2018 scholars follow last year’s inaugural Schwarzman Scholars, who included Corey Meyer, a 2015 NYUAD graduate, and Kes Rittenberg, a 2016 graduate of NYU’s College of Arts and Science.  