29 August, 2016

Dabur International unveils safe, natural & aluminium chlorohydrate-free DermoViva deodorants for women in Middle East

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Launch marks company’s entry in AED 138 million women deodorant segment in UAE & Saudi Arabia

Dubai, UAE – August 25, 2016: Dabur International, has announced its entry into the Middle East’s women’s deodorant category with the launch of DermoViva Deodorants. The company aims to create a niche market for its aluminium chlorohydrate free deodorants in the highly popular women’s personal care segment which has a combined worth of AED 138 million in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Several studies across the globe has revealed that deodorants and antiperspirants with aluminium chlorohydrate are not safe for repeated use on skin as they can cause breast cancer.

DermoViva Deodorant is available in four inviting variants of Invisible Dry, Dew Fresh, Active Sport, and Sensitive Care to address the need of different skin types. Specially formulated with innovative, natural, TRIPLE-HALO FORMULA of Sensiva, Fragrance and Natural Ingredients, it keeps under arms refreshed, energised and odour-free throughout the day. DermoViva deodorants have a special 24-hour protect formula, no white residue and they do not block skin pores.

Ashok Visweswaran, Dabur International, said: “Because of its properties to block the top of the sweat ducts under the arm to prevent sweat from escaping onto the skin surface, aluminium salts, including aluminium chloride, aluminium chlorohydrate, and aluminium zirconium chlorohydrate complexes are used as active ingredients by majority of deodorant and antiperspirant brands. Dermal absorption of aluminium has been detected even from single application and therefore its presence in deodorants is not considered safe as its long-term use can lead to high risk of cancers, including breast cancer.”
Dermoviva’s Invisible Dry variant is fortified with green tree extracts – a potent anti-oxidant – known to help in rejuvenating the skin, Dew Fresh, on the other hand, contains cucumber extract, which is rich in vitamins, to help soothe and hydrate the skin of the underarm area for long lasting morning freshness. The Active Sport variety provides intense protection from strong body odour as it is formulated with mulberry extract – an anti-oxidant. Lastly, Sensitive Care is enriched with shea butter extract – an excellent moisturizer – that helps makes skin under arms soft and supple.

“Following its market research that revealed the demand for natural, safe deodorants that do not cause harm to the skin, Dermoviva decided to launch its deodorant range in the Middle East. The 24-hour protect formula is available in four different variants to offer refreshing, odourless and smooth underarms. Enriched with natural ingredients, and Aluminium Cholorohydrate free DermoViva deodorants marks our entry into the region’s booming women deodorant segment and will soon capture a greater market share, concluded Ashok”

Dabur International, a wholly owned subsidiary of Dabur India, has an overall turnover of over USD 1.3 billion and a market capitalization of around USD 8 billion. Dabur’s International Business Division headquartered in Dubai is the cornerstone of its growth strategy, reaching a milestone of AED 1 billion within only eight years of its existence.

"دابر إنترناشيونال" تطرح مجموعة "ديرموفيفا" الجديدة من مزيلات العرق المخصّصة للسيدات في الشرق الأوسط

المجموعة الجديدة الغنية بالمكوّنات الطبيعية الخالية بالكامل من كلوروهيدرات الألومنيوم، تشكّل نقلة نوعية في صناعة مزيلات العرق البالغة قيمتها 138 مليون درهم في الإمارات والسعودية

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتّحدة، 25 أغسطس 2016 - أعلنت "دابر إنترناشيونال" عن دخولها في صناعة مزيلات العرق المخصّصة للسيدات، وذلك مع إطلاق مجموعة مزيلات العرق الجديدة من "ديرموفيفا" في أسواق الشرق الأوسط، في خطوة طموحة تتطلّع الشركة من خلالها إلى تعزيز مكانتها الريادية في سوق العناية الشخصية، وتحديداً صناعة مزيلات العرق المخصّصة للسيدات بإعتبارها من المجالات الأكثر نمواً في القطاع والبالغة قيمتها 138 مليون درهم إماراتي في دولة الإمارات والمملكة العربية السعودية مجتمعةً. وتتّسم المجموعة الجديدة بأنّها خالية بالكامل من كلوروهيدرات الألومنيوم، حيث أثبتت الدراسات الحديثة أن جميع المنتجات المضادة للتعرّق التي تحتوي على كلوروهيدرات الألومنيوم قد تتسبّب بالإصابة بسرطان الثدي لدى السيدات عند الإستخدام المتكرّر.

وتتوفّر مزيلات العرق من "ديرموفيفا" في أربعة خيارات مختلفة هي "جاف وغير مرئي" و"الإنتعاش الرطب" و"نشاط وحركة" و"العناية الحسّاسة"، والتي تم تصميم جميعها ليتناسب مع كافة أنواع الجسم المختلفة وفق تركيبة ثلاثية تجمع بين المكوّنات الطبيعية والرائحة الزكية والمواد المضادة للحساسية، إذ تضمن هذه التركيبة توفير العناية الكاملة بمنطقة تحت الإبط والحفاظ عليها منتعشة وخالية من الروائح على مدار اليوم. كما تتميّز بأنّها توفّر الحماية على مدار الساعة ولا تترك أي آثار بيضاء اللون على الجلد أو الملابس مع ضمان عدم غلق مسام البشرة.

وأوضح أشوك فيسواسواران، نائب مدير عام قسم التسويق في شركة "دابر إنترناشيونال"، أن معظم منتجات إزالة العرق تستند في تركيباتها إلى أملاح الألمنيوم، التي تتضمّن كلوريد الألمنيوم وكلوروهيدرات الألومنيوم ومركّبات كلوهيدرات الزركونيوم، والتي يتم إستخدامها كمكوّنات نشطة لسد قنوات التعرّق في منطقة تحت الإبط ومنعها من إفراز العرّق إلى سطح البشرة. وتشير الدراسات إلى أن البشرة قادرة على امتصاص مركّبات الألمنيوم منذ الإستخدام الأوّل وبالتالي يعد تواجدها في مزيلات العرق أمراً خطراً على الصحّة حيث يمكن أن يؤدي إستخدام هذا النوع من مزيلات العرق على المدى الطويل إلى زيادة إحتمال الإصابة بأمراض السرطان وتحديداً سرطان الثدي.

ويحتوي مزيل العرق "ديرموفيفا - جاف وغير مرئي" على مستخلصات شجرة الشاي الأخضر التي تعد من المواد المضادة للأكسدة والمعروفة لقدرتها على إعادة النضارة والحيوية للبشرة، في حين يتكوّن مزيل العرق "ديرموفيفا - الإنتعاش الرطب" على خلاصة الخيار الغنيّة بالفيتامينات للمساعدة على ترطيب البشرة في منطقة تحت الإبط والحفاظ على انتعاشها لمدّة تدوم طويلاً. أما مزيل العرق "ديرموفيفا - نشاط وحركة"، فيعمل على توفير الحماية القصوى من روائح التعرّق الكريهة وذلك بفضل تركيبته القائمة على خلاصة التوت المضادة للأكسدة. وأخيراً، يتضمّن مزيل العرق "ديرموفيفا - العناية الحسّاسة" على مستخلصات زبدة الشيا التي تعد من مواد الترطيب الأكثر فعالية والتي تساعد على جعل البشرة في منطقة تحت الإبط أكثر نعومةً ونضارةً.

وإختتم فيسواسواران: "جاء إطلاق المجموعة الجديدة من مزيلات العرق المنضوية تحت مظلة العلامة التجارية "ديرموفيفا"، نتاج العديد من الأبحاث والدراسات التي خلصت إلى تزايد الطلب في أسواق الشرق الأوسط على مزيلات عرق طبيعية وصحية وسليمة للإستخدام. ولذلك حرصنا على أن تحتوي هذه المجموعة على أربعة خيارات مختلفة لضمان توفير كافة إحتياجات المستهلكين في الحصول على الإنتعاش والرائحة الزكية والنعومة الحريرية في منطقة تحت الإبط. ومما لا شك فيه أن مزيلات العرق من "ديرموفيفا" الغنية بالمواد الطبيعية والخالية بالكامل من كلوروهيدرات الألومنيوم، تشكّل إنطلاقةً قويةً بالنسبة لنا في سوق مزيلات العرق المتنامي بقوّة في المنطقة، ونحن نتطلّع قدماً للنمو والتوسّع في هذا المجال".

ويُذكر أخيراً أنّ "دابر إنترناشيونال" هي شركة فرعية مملوكة بالكامل لصالح شركة "دابر الهند". وتبلغ العائدات الإجمالية للشركة 1.3 مليار دولار أمريكي وتبلغ قيمتها السوقية حوالى 8 مليارات دولار. ويمثّل قسم الأعمال الرئيسي لـ "دابر إنترناشيونال" ومقرّه دبي ركيزة إستراتيجية النمو التي تنتهجها الشركة، حيث وصل حجمه إلى 1 مليار درهم إماراتي بعد مضي 8 سنوات على استحداثه.

كانون الشرق الأوسط تساعد المؤسسات المالية ومتاجر التجزئة بطرحها مجموعة جديدة من أجهزة مسح الشيكات

CR-135i II سلسلة CR-190i II سلسلة
17  أغسطس 2016- أطلقت كانون الشرق الأوسط، الشركة العالمية الرائدة في مجال منتجات وحلول التصوير، اليوم 4 أجهزة مسح شيكات ImageFORMULA جديدة: CR-190i II، و CR190i II UV، وCR-135i II، و CR-135 II UV.
تُغني هذه الأجهزة عالية الأداء مجموعة أجهزة مسح الشيكات من كانون وتتيح خيارات أكبر للبنوك، ومتاجر التجزئة، والمؤسسات المالية التي تهمّها السرعة الأكبر، والموثوقية، والأمن. يُعتبر جهازا CR-190i II، وCR190i II UV خليفتي مجموعة أجهزة مسح الشيكات الرائجةCR-190i  فيما يشكّل  CR-135i II، و CR-135 II UV جهازين جديدين معدّين لتوفير الأداء ذاته الجدير بالثقة في المؤسسات التي تسجّل حجم عمليات أقلّ.
تحدّ جودة كانون البصريّة العالية ونظام التغذية بالورق المتين في أجهزة مسح سلسلتي CR-135i II وCR-190i II من الأخطاء المرتكبة وتحرص على انسيابية العمليات وتنفيذها الدقيق بسرعات تصل على التوالي إلى 135 و190 شيكاً في الدقيقة. كما تشمل سلسلة CR-190i II مصفّفاً مدمجاً يعزز موثوقية التغذية، لا سيما عند مسح شيكات بأحجام مختلفة.
والجدير بالذكر أنّ هذه الأجهزة تساهم في ضبط التزوير في نقطة البيع والمكتب إذ تصوّر وتعالج تلقائياً كلاً من الصورة وبيانات التعرّف على الرموز الممغنطة بالحبر في آن معاً. ولتعزيز الأمن، أرفق طرازا imageFORMULA CR-135i II UV و CR190i II UV بمصدر أشعة فوق بنفسجية يتيح ضبط التزوير بشكل متطور من خلال التقاط الصور العادية وفوق البنفسجية في آن.
في هذا الإطار، قال هندريك فيربروغي، مدير التسويق في الشرق الأوسط ووسط وشمال إفريقيا: "تحتاج المؤسسات المالية ومتاجر التجزئة إلى تكنولوجيا متطورة تمكّنها من التحقق من الشيكات التي تستخدم للدفع ومعالجتها بأمان. لهذا، زوّد جهازا imageFORMULA CR-190i II UV و CR-135 II UV الجديدان من كانون بأحدث تكنولوجيات التصوير بالأشعة فوق البنفسجية للحدّ من خطر تزوير الشيكات. ويجعلما تعزيز التصميم بالارتكاز على آراء العملاء والشركاء خياراً ممتازاً بالنسبة إلى المؤسسات المالية التي تولي أولوية لتجربة العملاء وأمنهم."
تعتمد الأجهزة الجديدة على نجاح الـ CR-190i / CR190i UV وتستخدم خرطوشة كانون النافثة للحبر  (PG-445, PG-445XL, PG-545 or PG-545XL)  لطبع الصور النقطيّة والنصوص على الشيكات أثناء مسحها.

ستصبح أجهزة CR-190i II، و CR190i II UV، وCR-135i II، و CR-135 II UVمتوافرة بدءاً من فبراير في مكاتب مبيعات كانون ولدى موزّعين مختارين في أوروبا.

eSecurityDen 2017 Set to Debut in Dubai, UAE Cybersecurity innovation and demonstrations by global leaders to take centre stage at ground-breaking one-day event;

Displaying Jeremy Boorer ,advisory board member with the organisers of eSecurityDen 2017.jpg

eSecurityDen 2017
Schedule: Tuesday 28 February 2017
Venue: InterContinental Hotel, Dubai Festival City, Dubai

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, August 17, 2016: A latest survey of International Data Corporation (IDC) Connect found that organizations in the United Arab Emirates are lacking in efficient security infrastructure.
According to eSecurtiyDen, a UK based organization, even though experts and solution providers worldwide are offering multitude of services, advice and products, it is becoming increasing difficult for the buyers to make the right decisions and choose among such a large choice of offerings in the market today.
Jeremy Boorer, Advisory Board member for eSecurityDen and spokesperson for eSecurityDen 2017 Dubai announced the launch of eSecurityDen 2017, a one day demonstrate-only conference which aims to bridge this gap and also bring global leaders to Dubai, UAE for the first time.

Boorer said: “Targeting over 250 information security professionals from U.S.A, Europe and GCC, eSecurtiyDen 2017 will help CIO’s, CSO’s and decision makers of organizations in financial institutions, retail, hospitality, oil and gas and vertical businesses to make better decisions around e-security and make informed decisions about the companies they want to discuss their needs with.”
Here is how eSecurityDen 2017 connect the CSO/CIO/CTO’s in GCC with the security vendors and leaders coming to UAE:

  • More than 45 global leaders in cyber security services and solution to attend as exhibitors.
  • Each provider will take the center stage to demonstrate the latest products and technologies while shining a spotlight on HOW it works to protect an organization from the latest and emerging threats.
  • Real time insights in how their solutions have solved real business problems across industries like Retail, Healthcare, Oil and Gas, Hospitality and so on to the attending delegates.
  • Regional CIO’s and CSO’s to get clear guidance over how their e-security issues can be resolved.
Global organizations can avail our early bird packages to exhibit. The delegates can book their seats via our special packages. All Information available at www.esecurityden.com
About organizers

eSecurityDen.com (ESD) is a U.K. based organization with a clear intention to create an innovative informative events helping bridge the gap by connecting the most innovative e-security technology with informative, high-impact events worldwide.

Gulf based Aster DM Healthcare to unveil cutting-edge Quaternary Healthcare facility in Bengaluru, India

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  • The Quaternary Care Multi-Specialty Hospital will have dedicated Centers of Excellence in Cardiac-Sciences, Neuro-Sciences, Gastro-Sciences, General & Lapro Surgery, Integrated Liver Care, Organ Transplant, Urology & Nephrology, Orthopaedics, Women, & Child and Adolescent Health.
  • Aster CMI Hospital will feature cutting-edge technology such as 3 Tesla MRI, 128 Slice CT Scanner and Hybrid Cath lab.
  • The Superspeciality Hospital will include 12 Modular Operation Theatres, a dedicated transplant ICU and Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, NABL accredited Clinical Lab and a Blood Bank.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, August 25, 2016: Dubai-based healthcare conglomerate, Aster DM Healthcare, announced that it will formally launch a Quaternary Healthcare facility Aster CMI Hospital in Hebbal, Bengaluru. The hospital reflects the group’s on-going commitment to create patient-centric hospitals driven by medical innovations and clinical excellence. The upgraded 509 bed hospital, will be inaugurated on August 27, 2016, by the legendary cricketer, Shri Sachin Tendulkar, in the presence of Central and State Ministers.
Dr. Azad Moopen, Founder Chairman & Managing Director of Aster DM Healthcare said, “With an additional investment of around Rs.230 crores (AED 126 Million) in the existing hospital, Aster CMI Hospital is all set to create a benchmark in medical care not only in Bengaluru but across India. A serene environment with spacious interiors and advanced facilities are designed for the patients’ comfort echoing Aster DM Healthcare’s core philosophy: ‘We’ll Treat You Well’. Given the strategic location of the hospital and the connectivity that Bangalore offers, we not only see catering to the people of Karnataka but also people from other parts of the country and outside India. With our strong network in eight foreign countries , we are confident to see great potential for Medical Value Travel. ”
Dr. Nitish Shetty, CEO, Aster CMI Hospital said, “While focusing on the latest medical equipment and technology, we have not forgotten the human aspect. We have developed a remarkable team of clinicians and surgeons supported by an able paramedical team of qualified technicians to offer specializations in various faculties.”
Aster CMI also operates Aster Clinics at Yelahanka, (Manyata Tech Park) and will soon be launching a clinic at New BEL Road. Aster Clinics will provide one stop medical facilities and healthcare services for the entire family and are a gateway to good health in the neighbourhood. Aster CMI recently signed a seven year agreement with Bangalore International Airport Limited (BIAL) as their healthcare partners and is now managing the medical services facility at Kempegowda International Airport, Bengaluru. The healthcare group will also be responsible for the stand alone Airport Medical Care Facility expected to be commissioned by March 2017, the services of which can also be availed by the general public.

Aster DM Healthcare has also extended its social initiative in association with Sachin Tendulkar to offer Oncology & Paediatric Cardiac Surgeries for deserving patients in Aster CMI along with Aster Medcity-Kochi and Aster MIMS - Calicut. An outlay of Rs. 2 crore has been earmarked for this as part of this CSR initiative for the next four years. Earlier this year Aster DM Healthcare launched a GCC & National India  level CSR effort under ‘Aster SafeRoads #iPLEDGE’ along with Sachin Tendulkar as part of its vision to make Indian roads safe.
About Aster DM Healthcare

Aster DM Health Care is a Healthcare provider that  network with over 280 operating facilities across 9 countries, including 13 hospitals, 87 clinics and 180 retail pharmacies providing employment  for 12,774 employees including, 1003 full time doctors, as of March 31, 2016.

Exclusive Interview with BIOSTAR President Paul Wang

Stepping into the Field of IIoT with Qisda


August 25th, 2016 Taipei, Taiwan - BIOSTAR, a time-honored brand, has had professional experience in the motherboard market and IT industry for thirty years. It is literally a very special year for BIOSTAR and more good things are coming its way. BIOSTAR turns loss into profit and Qisda builds a partnership with it by becoming one of its shareholders. Paul Wang, the founder and the president of BIOSTAR, had an exclusive interview with The Apple Daily, a newspaper printed in Taiwan and he said: “We take diverse strategies for the business and concentrate on the sales of motherboard targeted for the high-end gaming market to run our business. Moreover, the sales of IPC has been growing rapidly and steadily in recent years. To show our ambition to our long-term customers, we have launched BIOSTAR solid state drives (SSD) this August in Asia, which marked our first steps into the SSD market and to show our intention and potential that we can offer a wide selection of products to the IT market. BIOSTAR and Qisda have been co-operating in perfect harmony and will continue to collaborate with each other for industrial control in the near future. 

BIOSTAR has gotten to first base with the net benefits making it return to the black in the second quarter of 2016 due to the diverse strategies for enterprise transformation, finally ending the deficit for the past six quarters. On the other hand, Qisda has injected funds and resources into BIOSTAR as icing on the cake for its business since Qisda bought fractional interests from BIOSTAR on the open market in 2015 to become the largest outside shareholder at BIOSTAR.

When it comes to the current issue “Will Qisda become one of the major shareholders at BIOSTAR in the near future?”, Paul Wang broke the silence during the interview and made a response to this issue. “Qisda aggressively concentrates its business on the vertical integration of IoT, one of the most important reasons to make us decide to cooperate with Qisda much closely is to reinforce our competence for IPC, which is one of BIOSTAR’s main products bringing lots of benefit to us. Moreover, we will completely cooperate with Qisda’s subsidiaries and offer great support to them for developing mobile POS. On the other hand, we have been evaluating the effectiveness to choose Qisda in Suzhou as one of our manufacturers.” Wang said.

Rumor has it that the major shareholder at BIOSTAR will do stock transfer to Qisda due to few reasons, including the deficit arising from the quantity of motherboard being less than 1,000,000 pcs this year, the globally shrinking motherboard industry, Qisda becoming one of the shareholders at BIOSTAR. To solemnly clarify the rumor, Paul Wang claims that he never has the idea to sell out BIOSTAR. No matter what kind of strategies BIOSTAR would take, BIOSTAR is always aware to measure up to the expectation of its customers, staffs, and shareholders. “But no one would conduct the business for a long life. That’s why we have been trying to reinforce our professional managers’ abilities in every business units, which is a kind of soft power to enhance our inner competence and competitiveness.

In recent years, the global low-end motherboard market has been shrunk rapidly; meanwhile, BIOSTAR has been adjusted the overall strategy for the inventory of overseas channels, which makes few users think BIOSTAR has been withdrawn from the PC market. Despite the shrinking low-end motherboard market, the need of mid-end and high-end motherboards has been growing actually. To satisfy gaming enthusiasts’ appetite for cool PC products, BIOSTAR has launched the wide selection of gaming-featured new motherboards to the market. The quantity of mid-end and high-end motherboards has increased by two times than that of 2015. Overall, the quantity of motherboard has met the expectation of annual sales during this January to this July. “We’re highly confident to say that the quantity of motherboard this year is definitely more than that of 2015. What’ more, the unit price and gross margin have been increasing constantly.” Wang said.

“We took the lead in offering the well-received motherboards with affordable price to the PC market and the gaming lovers in 2014, making lots of competitors gradually take the same action and strategy after our successful experience.“ the vice general manager in BIOSTAR motherboard business unit, Vincent Lin said. In 2016, BIOSTAR added the novelty element “lighting” into the RACING series of motherboards to provide the enjoyment of audio and lighting effects to competitive gamers and eSports fans, especially for the uses in the Asia, China, and North America markets. To promote the newly launched RACING series motherboards, BISOTAR has invested three times marketing budget this year than that of the past few years. Furthermore, BIOSTAR has been conducting the horizontal product line extensions to offer diverse PC products to the market since the second half of 2016.

“First, we are proud to announce BIOSTAR is ready to step into the SSD market. We have officially launched SSD with four capacity options this August, including 120GB, 240GB, 480GB for G300 series and 120GB for S100 series, targeted for PC DIY channels, where BIOSTAR is good at dealing with. Moreover, we plan to take the first-round promotion for SSD targeted on the Asia and China markets. Second, we are about to launching mini PC, RACING P1, with a variety of interfaces to compatible with a wide selection of desktops, which is the highlighting different from compute stick launched by other competitors in IT industry. For BIOSTAR 30th anniversary, we launch all these new products for gaming, RACING series gaming motherboards, SSD, and RACING P1 mini PC, to hit its another peak of BIOSTAR career.” Lin said.

“Besides of the newly launched products this year, the sales of IPC has been growing steadily.” the vice executive general manager, David Liu said. BIOSTAR offers diverse product lines from industrial motherboard to system on module service, especially for the waterproof and shock-resistant module for panel PC, compatible with Windows and Android operating systems. On the other hand, it offers product appearance design and assembly service to the customers. The key customers for panel PC module are in Taiwan and Korea by now. Actually, the panel PC module can be applied to a wide range of products, such as KIOSK, vending machine, mobile POS (cash register). “We are proud to say that BIOSTAR is one of the top 3 POS motherboard suppliers in Taiwan.” Liu said.

Although BIOSTAR has been running the business of IPC for ten years, the IPC business has been expanded its scale and become much successful in the last two years. Nowadays, there are more and more competitors springing up on the IPC market and its price plunges rapidly and dramatically. To deal with the problems on the IPC market, BIOSTAR gets involved in system design service aggressively, bringing the quick service and effective solutions to all the customers, confident in BIOSTAR’s competencies. To show their professionals and determination in the business of IPC, they efficiently shipped out the first order this August, even the order being got in the second half of 2015. It is worthwhile to mention that the China subsidiary is getting involved in the business of intelligent lockers. What’ better, the China subsidiary has been expanding its sales development to gain good publicity for this new business.

BIOSTAR positively estimates that the quantity of IPC will increase by 20% this year and the revenue is expected to rise, compared with the corresponding period of the previous year. Currently, BIOSTAR has been earning the profit from the business of IPC in the past four years. As you know, BIOSTAR has got much successful results from the business of motherboard, and it has been out of the red, bringing about the positive result, the net profit at NT$0.15 per share in Q2 2016. “Will BIOSTAR keep staying in the black throughout the whole year?” the reporter raised a brief but profound question to Paul Wang at the end of the interview. “That’s what we highly expect to see! We will do our best to earn the profit steadily and satisfy our customers’ needs in the meantime for building the win-win business relationship. ” Wang said.

Visit the new BIOSTAR website at: http://www.biostar.com.tw
Read more about BIOSTAR 30 Years anniversary: http://www.biostar.com.tw/app/en/event/30years/index.htm