27 July, 2015

إيد جونز يظفر بلقب سباق "إندي لايتس" على حلبة أيوا

- السائق الصاعد في سلسلة سباقات "إندي لايتس" يهزم التحدي المتمثل بعدم مقدرته على تحقيق الإنجازات على الحلبات البيضاوية
- جونز المقيم في دبي يسير بخطى حثيثة نحو اللقب

الإمارات العربية المتّحدة، 22 يوليو 2015 - تمكن إيد جونز من خفض الفارق في المستوى مع اثنين من منافسيه على لقب بطولة "إندي لايتس 2015" (2015 Indy Lights) حامية الوطيس على حلبة أيوا عندما فند افتقاره للخبرة على حلبة السباق البيضاوية ولكونه سائقاً صاعداً، حيث استطاع انتزاع المركز الثاني وإعتلاء صدارة البطولة.
وبعد مسيرة حافلة في سباقات السيارات في الولايات المتحدة هذا العام، عزز جونز من مكانته كأحد سائقي المقدمة في بطولة "إندي لايتس"، حيث تمكّن البريطاني ابن العشرين عاماً من الوصول إلى حلبة "ميد ويست" البالغ طولها 0.875 ميل محتلاً الترتيب الثالث بين أبرز الساعين للظفر باللقب المرموق.
وبعد أن حظي بمتّسع من الوقت على الحلبة خلال فترة التجارب، حيث أنهى السباق بأقل من ربع ثانية عن المتصدر، حافظ جونز على مستواه القوي خلال التمرين قبل أن يرفع من مستوى أدائه في السباق التأهيلي ويضمن مركزاً متقدماً في ترتيب المنطلقين على متن سيارته "دالارا آي. أل-15" ذات المقعد الواحد، وبفارق ضئيل على المتصدر في سباق شهد تقارباً كبيراً في النتائج.
واستطاع جونز، المقيم في دبي، وبعد بداية قوية في سباق "كورن إندي 100" على حلبة أيوا من الحفاظ على المركز الثاني خلف زميله في فريق "كارلين" ماكس شيلتون. وبعد أن رافق سائق الفورمولا واحد السابق كظله طوال النصف الأول من السباق، انتزع جونز مركز الصدارة في منتصف مسافة السباق، حيث عرقلت السيارات المتأخرة مسيرة المتسابقين الأوائل.
وسمح تدخل السيارات المتأخرة، وهو أمر يمكن أن يحدث في مثل هذه اللفة القصيرة، لمجموعة السائقين المطاردين من الاقتراب من ثنائي فريق "كارلين" المتصدر، الأمر الذي حول أفضلية تقدم هذا الثنائي إلى منافسة شديدة ضمن وضعية المصد للمصد سعياً لانتزاع الصدارة.
وبعد أن أمضى 13 لفة في المقدمة، سلم جونز الصدارة مرة أخرى إلى شيلتون، ومع وجود اهزازات في الإطارات أثرت لاحقاً على قيادته للسيارة، لم يكن أمام جونز سوى التخفيف من سرعته والتركيز على الحفاظ على موقعه.
وبعد أن حافظ على مكانه في السباق باقتدار مع مواصلة تقدمه على خصومه، بدا أن صاحب المركز الثاني يحرز نقاطاً أكثر من منافسيه الرئيسيين في البطولة- حتى وإن واجه منافسه شديدة من أحدهم- والدليل على تألقه وسرعته اللافتة هو أنه سجل أسرع لفة في هذا السباق.
وأتاح ذلك للنجم الصاعد في نادي سائقي السباقات البريطاني والبطل السابق لبطولة "فورمولا 3 الأوروبية المفتوحة" تقليل الفجوة التي تفصله عن صدارة الترتيب من 29 نقطة إلى 20 نقطة مع بقاء أربعة سباقات ستقام على حلبة "ميد-أوهايو لسباقات السيارات" مرة كل أسبوعين.
وقال جونز: "تعتبر حلبة أيوا مختلفة جداً عن تلك التي اعتدت القيادة عليها، فحوافها شديدة الإنحدار تخلق تحدياً فريداً، هذا فضلاً عن المطبات الكبيرة التي تسهم في زعزعة السيارة. وطوال فترة الاختبار، عملنا بجد مختلف الجوانب لضمان تقديم عرض جيد في السباق التأهيلي والسباق الرئيسي".
وأضاف جونز: "من ناحيتي، أديت واجبي على أكمل وجه في السباق التأهيلي، لكن على مستوى السيارة فقد كان الأداء إلى حد كبير وقائياً، الأمر الذي كلفني خسارة مركز أول المنطلقين. وربما نكون قد تخلفنا قليلاً، إلا أنه كان من الرائع بالنسبة للفريق أن يكون في صف المقدمة".
وتابع جونز: "شعرت بارتياح في السباق الرئيسي وكنت قادراً على السيطرة على السيارة مع الحفاظ على مكاني خلف شيلتون. وعندما حدث تدخل من قبل السيارات المتأخرة، أتاح ذلك لي الفرصة لانتزاع الصدارة. واعتقدت أنه أتيحت لي الفرصة للحفاظ على الصدارة لعدة لفات، لكن للأسف لم أتمكن من ذلك عندما انعطف شيلتون من داخل زاوية اللفة، الأمر الذي اضطرني إلى تخفيف السرعة لتجنب الاصطدام بالجدار".
وقال جونز: "كنا في وضع جيد، لكن قبل 25 لفة على النهاية أحسست باهتزاز في إطارات السيارة- وهو تقريباً ما حصل معي في إنديانابوليس. ونتيجة لذلك، قرر الفريق أنه من الأفضل لي التراجع والحفاظ على المركز الثاني".
وأضاف جونز: "مما لا شك فيه أن الأمر كان محبطاً بالنسبة لي، لكني ما زلت مسروراً بهذه النتيجة عموماً. فأن نأتي إلى هنا وننجز ما أنجزناه هو جهد كبير للفريق، حيث أعتقد أن ذلك يظهر مدى التحسن الذي طرأ على أداء الفريق ويمنحنا مزيداً من الثقة على الحلبات البيضاوية في المستقبل. ومن الرائع أن نعود إلى المقدمة وأن نكتسب دفعة وزخماً ونحن نتجه إلى آخر سباقين ضمن هذه السلسلة".


Hong Kong, 23 July 2015 – Turkey’s most exclusive resort, Mandarin Oriental, Bodrum, is offering an exciting culinary experience at its newly opened fish restaurant, Bodrum Balıkçısı. Home to the region’s best fine dining, Mandarin Oriental, Bodrum now features eleven restaurants and bars providing innovative cuisine in stylish and sophisticated surroundings with expansive views over the resort and Aegean Sea.
Opened in time for the 2015 summer season, the new restaurant extends the range of dining options available at Mandarin Oriental, Bodrum’s existing bars and restaurants, Sofra, Assaggio, Kurochan, Juju Bar, Juju Beach & Bistro, Blue Beach Club & Bar, Pool Bar & Restaurant, Mandarin Bar, and Mandarin Cake Shop & Terrace Lounge.
An authentic, Turkish fish restaurant, Bodrum Balıkçısı fits easily into the enchanting ambiance of Mandarin Oriental, Bodrum’s natural setting. Its menu of traditional dishes includes seafood, casseroles and grilled fish, and local cuisine interpreted with a refined touch.

With starters featuring a variety of tapas-style mezzes and mouth-watering seafood appetizers, such as calamari and octopus, Turkish celebrity chef, Dursun Ali, will ensure every guest receives a traditionally warm and welcoming dining experience. All dishes are prepared fresh each day, using the highest quality ingredients.
Distinguished by its panoramic views, mouth-watering savoury dishes, and swift and personal service, Bodrum Balıkçısı will provide a memorable experience. The open display of fresh vegetables in wooden crates, fish and seafood on ice, and dried peppers and spices on the wall gives the restaurant a relaxed, market-place feel. Featuring a live lobster tank, the restaurant will surely become one of the region’s must-see dining spots.
Bodrum Balıkçısı is open seven days a week from 7pm to midnight. Reservations can be made by phoning +90 (0) 252 311 2882.
For information about available accommodation packages, please contact the resort directly via email mobod-reservations@mohg.com or phone at +90 (0) 252 311 1888.
About Mandarin Oriental, Bodrum 
Mandarin Oriental, Bodrum is located on a 60 hectare waterfront site on the northern side of the Turkish peninsula offering panoramic views over the Aegean Sea. Built on a series of levels nestled in the resort’s landscaped hillside, surrounded by ancient olive groves and pine trees, the resort’s 109 guestrooms and suites provides the largest accommodation in the area, all with stunning sun-decks, terraces or balconies, and many with private gardens and infinity edged pools. Eleven restaurants and bars showcase innovative and gastronomic cuisine, while the 2.700 sq m Spa will introduce the Group’s awarding-winning spa concepts together with holistic signature treatments and a range of wellness programmes. In addition, the diverse event spaces, two sandy beaches and extensive leisure facilities will bring a level of sophistication and elegance, making this the perfect luxurious hideaway retreat for discerning travellers.


Aspen Institute, Intel Security Critical Infrastructure Survey Shows 86% of Respondents Want More Public-Private Cooperation; Of Those who Experienced Cyberattacks, 59% Reported Physical Damage
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 27th July 2015 – Information technology (IT) executives within critical infrastructure organizations see a need for public-private threat intelligence sharing partnerships (86% of respondents) to keep pace with escalating cybersecurity threats, according to a survey released today by The Aspen Institute and Intel Security. A majority (76%) of survey respondents also indicated they believe a national defense force should respond when a cyber attack damages a critical infastructure company within national borders. Additionally, although most respondents agree that threats to their organizations are on the rise, they maintain a high degree of confidence in existing security.   
The survey, Holding the Line Against Cyber Threats: Critical Infrastructure Readiness Survey, reveals that the critical infrastructure providers surveyed are pleased with the results of their efforts to improve cybersecurity over the last three years, but at the same time many (72%) said that the threat level of attacks was escalating. Almost half of all respondents (48%) believe it is likely that a cyberattack on critical infrastructure, with the potential to result in the loss of human life, could happen within the next three years.  
"With new breaches announced regularly, the current security reality is that organizations are struggling for answers. It’s time for public and private intrests to join together to enhance cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection," said Hamed Diab, MENA Regional Director, Intel Security.
“This data raises new and vital questions about how public and private interests can best join forces to mitigate and defend against cyberattacks,” said Clark Kent Ervin, Director, Homeland Security Program, Aspen Institute. “This issue must be addressed by policymakers and corporate leaders alike.”
Survey results suggest there may be a disconnect between critical infrastructure providers and the current threat landscape:
  • Perceived Improvements: Respondents believe their own vulnerability to cyberattacks has decreased over the last three years. When asked to evaluate their security posture in retrospect, 50% reported that they would have considered their organizations “very or extremely” vulnerable three years ago; by comparison, only 27% believe that their organizations are currently “very or extremely” vulnerable.
  • Government Involvement Encouraged: Private industry is often hesitant when it comes to government’s involvement in private sector business; however, 86% of respondents believe that cooperation between the public and private sectors on infrastructure protection is critical to successful cyber defense. Furthermore, 68% of respondents believe their own government can be a valuable and respectful partner in cybersecurity.
  • Confidence in Current Solutions: Sixty-four percent believe an attack resulting in fatalities has not happened yet because good IT security is already in place. Correspondingly, more than four in five are satisfied or extremely satisfied with the performance of their own security tools such as endpoint protection (84%), network firewalls (84%), and secure web gateways (85%).
  • Disruptions Increasing: More than 70% of respondents think the cybersecurity threat level in their organization is escalating. Around nine in ten (89%) respondents experienced at least one attack on a system within their organization, which they deemed secure, over the past three years, with a median of close to 20 attacks per year. Fifty-nine percent of respondents stated that at least one of these attacks resulted in physical damage.
  • Loss of Life?: Forty-eight percent of respondents believe it is likely that a cyberattack that will take down critical infrastructure with potential loss of life will occur within the next three years, although there were no additional survey questions to determine the circumstances under which respondents believed the loss of life could occur.  More US respondents thought this scenario was “extremely likely” to occur than did their European counterparts.
  • User Error Still #1 Issue: Respondents believe user error is the greatest cause of successful attacks on critical infrastructure. Organizations may strengthen their security postures, but individual employees can still fall victim to phishing emails, social engineering and drive-by browser downloads that successfully infect their organizations’ networks.
  • Government Response: Seventy-six percent of respondents believe a national defense force should respond when a cyber attack damages a critical infastructure company within national borders.
  • Different Country Perspectives: US respondents believe the likelihood of a catastrophic cyberattack on critical infrastrucutre that could result in loss of life is more certain than do their European counterparts. While 18% of US sources consider this scenario “extremely likely” to occur in the next three years, only 2% in Germany and 3% in the UK think it extremely likely.
Additional Takeaways from Report
  • Intel Security’s A Thief’s Perspective report notes that one of the biggest challenges in cyber defense is the need to cover every possible attack vector while attackers only need to find one weak point.
  • To be more cyber secure, we need more than IT solutions; we need education, training & awareness to reduce human error.

The survey, conducted by Vanson Bourne, interviewed 625 IT decision makers with influence over their organization’s security solutions in France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States (250 interviews in the US and 125 in each of the UK, France and Germany).
Respondents were from private and public organizations (minimum of 500 employees), with particular focus on the critical infrastructure sectors of energy (139 respondents), transport (130 respondents), finance (159 respondents) and government (128). Questionnaire surveys, such as the one conducted by Vanson Bourne and Intel Security, collect data at a single point in time and are limited in their ability to collect complex and nuanced responses. Furthermore, they are not independently able to support long-term conclusions.


Dubai’s most talked about beach club, bar and restaurant is hurtling into an impressive second phase. Two years since opening its doors – and as part of a unique, staggered and seriously exciting evolution – Zero Gravity has now broken ground on a huge expansion plan, which will add a further 2,000sqm to the award-winning entertainment venue, including a 39m glass-fronted infinity pool.
With water cascading straight into the pristine beach below, the Zero Gravity pool will be lined by additional bars, changing areas, state-of-the-art audio/visual solutions and DJs, sun loungers, group seating and a Jacuzzi. Access to the pool will be incorporated into the existing Zero Gravity day pass fees, with no raise in cost, and the expansion is expected to reach completion in the fourth quarter of 2015.
Now known globally for its iconic nightlife events, unbeatable backdrop and beachside setting, Zero Gravity has an event calendar bursting with energy and international artists to unveil this season.
Following the incredible success of its inaugural DXBeach festival in April, Zero Gravity is bringing the 5,000-plus capacity music festival back for a second and third event this winter. DXBeach dates are confirmed for Friday October 23 and Friday November 20, with artist line-ups soon to be announced.
From this week, and through to September, Zero Gravity’s crowd-pulling weekend club nights Velocity and Aurora will be focused inside the sleek, two-tier location, and entry is free of charge.
The Zero Gravity House Party launches on Thursday July 23 and will run alongside Velocity every Thursday night (full details of the Zero Gravity House Party can be found in the dedicated press release attached).
Zero Gravity’s day-to-night entertainment experience Aurora returns on Friday July 24. Kicking off at 3pm every Friday – alongside The Onshore Social brunch – Aurora is a showcase of both local and international DJs and artists. Free-to-enter Aurora events for the summer months are as follows:
FRIDAY JULY 24 – Aurora presents Journey Thru House featuring Allister Whitehead
FRIDAY JULY 31 – Aurora presents Falseface
FRIDAY AUGUST 7 – Aurora present Marko Liv
FRIDAY AUGUST 14 – Aurora presents Journey Thru House featuring K Klass
FRIDAY AUGUST 21 – Aurora presents Steve Boyd
FRIDAY AUGUST 28 – Aurora presents Lady Lea
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 4 – Aurora presents Jay C
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 11 – Aurora presents Bombossa Brothers
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 18 – Aurora presents Journey Thru House with Jon Pleased Wimmin
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 25 – Aurora presents Modaa

Fortinet Brings High Performance Advanced Protection to Mid-Market and Enterprise Organizations with Two New Appliances

FortiGate 400D and FortiGate 900D Continue to Expand the FortiASIC-NP6-Based FortiGate Platform; Delivering Best-in-Class Cybersecurity to Mid-Market Organizations and Large Branch Offices

Dubai, UAE, July 23, 2015 - Fortinet® (NASDAQ: FTNT) - the global leader in high-performance cybersecurity solutions, today announced the launch of the FortiGate 400D and the FortiGate 900D next-generation firewalls (NGFWs). These new appliances further bolster Fortinet’s broad portfolio of integrated security solutions while delivering five times greater NGFW performance than competing products. With the introduction of these two solutions, Fortinet has again made high-performance, cutting-edge cybersecurity more accessible for mid-market and enterprise organizations.

Best-in-Class Protection for Mid-Market Organizations and Large Branch Locations
Organizations of all sizes are being targeted by cyber criminals and must defend their critical infrastructures and proprietary data from advanced, highly focused threats more than ever before. Yet, increased bandwidth requirements and network utilization complicate the process, particularly as organizations increase in size and scope. What they need are industry-leading solutions that provide the security effectiveness and features to protect from advanced threats, while delivering the performance and connectivity to future-proof their infrastructures.

Fortinet’s new FortiGate 400D and 900D NGFWs were engineered to deliver high-performance security and specifically tailored to meet the grueling demands of mid-sized and enterprise organizations today and into the future. Leveraging Fortinet’s legendary FortiASIC-accelerated performance, both Appliances utilize Fortinet’s proprietary Network Processor 6 (NP6), providing the FortiGate 400D with throughput performance of 16 Gbps and propelling the FortiGate 900D to speeds of 52 Gbps.

Coupled with the consolidated feature-sets of the FortiOS operating system guarantees improved Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) stream performance high-throughput, broad security, deep inspection, rich analytics, granular controls and ease-of-use. Reinforced with industry-leading threat intelligence from FortiGuard Labs, the FortiGate 400D and 900D deliver the best-in-class protection and performance required by mid-sized and enterprise organizations.

Industry-Leading Security for Mid-Market Organizations
The FortiGate 400D, engineered to meet the unique demands of mid-sized organizations:
  • Multi-Gigabit NGFW performance reaching 16 Gbps
  • High port density including multiple Gigabit Ethernet RJ45 and SFP interfaces  

Enterprise-Class Protection for Large Branch Locations
The FortiGate 900D, designed with the performance and features of an enterprise-grade NGFW, so large branches don’t have to compromise on security:
  • Blistering 52 Gbps NGFW performance
  • Multiple 10 Gigabit Ethernet SFP+, SFP and RJ45 ports  

The new FortiGate 400D and 900D are available immediately. Please contact your authorized Fortinet channel partner for pricing and details. For more information about Fortinet’s Firewall products, please visit: http://www.fortinet.com/products/fortigate/

About Fortinet
Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT) protects the most valuable assets of some of the largest enterprise, service provider and government organizations across the globe. The company’s fast, secure and global cyber security solutions provide broad, high-performance protection against dynamic security threats while simplifying the IT infrastructure. They are strengthened by the industry’s highest level of threat research, intelligence and analytics. Unlike pure-play network security providers, Fortinet can solve organizations' most important security challenges, whether in a networked, application or mobile environments – be it virtualized/cloud or physical. More than 210,000 customers worldwide, including some of the largest and most complex organizations, trust Fortinet to protect their brands. Learn more at www.fortinet.com, or follow Fortinet at the Fortinet Blog, Google+Linkedin or Twitter.