Showing posts with label Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reviews. Show all posts

21 September, 2015

‘The 3 U-Turns of My Life’ launched in Dubai

Chetan Bhagat unveils Jitendra Gianchandani’s book at Indian Business and Professional Council

September 10, 2015

‘The 3 U-Turns of My Life,’ a book by UAE-based practicing chartered accountant and Indian writer Jitendra Gianchandani, was launched recently at the Indian Business and Professional Council (IBPC) in Dubai. Chetan Bhagat, a popular author and a motivational speaker, unveiled the book in the presence of Kulwant Singh, President, IBPC; James Mathew, Secretary General, IBPC; and other leading Indian businessmen and leaders.

Revolving around the central theme of ‘Love,’ ‘Race,’ and ‘Destiny,’ ‘The 3 U-Turns of My Life’ is about two friends – Manav Modi and Deepak Mehra –who are poles apart in personality. One is down to earth, introverted, and aspiring to be rich, while the other is flamboyant, extroverted and born with a silver spoon. Despite being so different, they were friends and shared a common feeling for Urvashi. They part ways only to meet again to test their friendship, love, patience and even their choice of profession. The book will reveal whether the race between a CA and an MBA will lead them to a fall and what they will need to come out of the mess.      

Gianchandani said: “I feel that writing is the best way not only to express your thoughts but also to share your knowledge and experience with others. After living in Dubai for 18 years, I wanted to give back to the society, especially to the teeming young Indian population who deserve better facilities and improved quality of life in our homeland. ‘The 3 U-Turns of My Life’ is apt for the plot of the book, where protagonist Manav Modi, was on the verge of failure thrice in his career in spite of his hard work and sincere efforts. However, destiny somehow favours him and three major turning points in his life made him successful. Similarly, I want my fellow Indians to forget their problems and be motivated by the story of Manav Modi.”

‘The 3 U-Turns of My Life’ is now available in Kinokuniya, Borders, Jashanmal Bookstores, and other leading bookstores and online stores in the UAE.

17 June, 2015


June 16, 2015, Cairo – Nael Eltoukhy’s novel Women of Karantina, translated by Robin Moger and published in 2014 by The American University in Cairo Press (AUC Press), has been selected for the fiction longlist of the 2015 FT/OppenheimerFunds Emerging Voices Awards. Chosen by a panel of distinguished international judges, the Emerging Voices Awards are given this year for extraordinary artistic work in three categories, from three regions—fiction from Africa and the Middle East, films from the Asia-Pacific region, and visual arts from Latin America and the Caribbean. The names of the three finalists in the fiction category will be announced on 7 August, and the winner will be declared at the awards ceremony to be held in New York on 5 October.
Women of Karantina is a satiric novel about crime and excess set in a future Alexandria, that has been widely praised for its inventiveness, pace, and subversive humor.
Eltoukhy, a 36-year-old Egyptian writer who was born in Kuwait, graduated from the Hebrew Section in the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University in Egypt. His first collection of short stories was published in 2003, and he is the author of four novels. He is also a journalist, blogger, and a translator of books from Hebrew into Arabic.
Women of Karantina is available at AUC Press Bookstores and all other good bookstores in Egypt, and worldwide through all major booksellers.

The AUC Press founded in 1960, publishes annually up to 60 wide-ranging academic texts and general interest books on ancient and modern Egypt and the Middle East, as well as Arabic literature in translation, for distribution worldwide, and maintains a backlist of more than 800 high-quality scholarly, literary, and general interest publications, including e-books, making it the region’s leading English-language publisher.

The AUC Press, which established the Naguib Mahfouz Medal for Literature in 1996, has been the primary publisher of Naguib Mahfouz’s English-language editions for more than twenty-five years, and has also been responsible for the publication of some 600 foreign-language editions of the Nobel laureate’s works in more than 40 languages around the world since the author won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1988.

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31 May, 2015

Governing Land and Natural Resources in a Global Economy

An Open Access Special Issue from Society & Natural Resources
Governing Land and Natural Resources in a Global Economy
An Open Access Special Issue from Society & Natural Resources
Routledge Journals is pleased to announce a Special Issue from Society & Natural Resources entitled Formalization as Development in Land and Natural Resource Policy. This special issue, edited by Dr. Louis Putzel, Senior Scientist, Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia, spans the globe, with innovative research on formalization cases from Ethiopia, Cameroon, Indonesia, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Zimbabwe, and South Africa and takes an in-depth look at the political, environmental, and economic challenges surrounding “formalization”— efforts to regulate natural resource access and trade. OPEN ACCESS is now available to Formalization as Development in Land and Natural Resource Policy.
Formalization measures are implemented by governments to curb unsustainable exploitation of lumber, fisheries, minerals, and other natural resources. The idea is that social and environmental norms will develop through political and legal regulatory systems that incentivize responsible harvesting and trade. This in turn will reduce poverty, pollution, human rights abuses, and conflict, while simultaneously bolstering economic development. These noble intentions, however, are not always the end result—when carried out negligently, formalization can lead to corruption, exclusion of marginalized people, economic loss, and environmental damage.
The results of formalization are determined by a wide assortment of influences, from socio-political conditions of immediate concern to the larger historical contexts of the areas in which it’s carried out.  While often enforced by powerful governing bodies, formalization can also come out of grass-roots organizing, when individuals realize a need to regulate available natural resources to better their communities on a smaller scale.
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Volume 28, Issue 5, 2015
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2013 Impact Factor of 1.065 and Five-Year Impact Factor of 1.477*
Society and Natural Resources publishes a broad range of social science research and thinking on the interaction of social and bio-physical processes, policies and practices occurring around the world and at multiple scales.  These involve attention to cultural, psychological, economic and political perspectives relating to forests, oceans, fisheries, soils, and water; and address a variety of topics such as people and protected areas/biodiversity conservation, globalization and capitalism, environmental justice, place/community-based conservation, community resilience, adaptive and collaborative management, sustainability, climate change, environmental attitudes and concerns, environmental hazards and risks, and human-nature relationships.  Papers published in Society & Natural Resources go through a double-blind, peer review process and meet standards of contributing significantly to theory and/or transformative policies and practices, offering scholarly depth but broad appeal to our diverse readership.
About Routledge, a Member of the Taylor & Francis Group
Taylor & Francis Group partners with researchers, scholarly societies, universities and libraries worldwide to bring knowledge to life. As one of the world’s leading publishers of scholarly journals, books, ebooks and reference works our content spans all areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Science, and Technology and Medicine.

25 February, 2015

What “green transformations” will humanity need to undergo to live sustainably on planet Earth?

A new book published by Routledge discusses these transformations and what it will take to realise them.
The Politics of Green Transformations, edited by Ian Scoones, Melissa Leach and Peter Newell, examines what social and political alliances are required to undertake these green transformations.
Recalling past transformations, this book examines what makes the current challenge different, and especially urgent. It examines how green transformations must take place in the context of the particular moments of capitalist development, and in relation to particular alliances. The role of the state is emphasised, both in terms of the type of incentives required to make green transformations politically feasible and in the way states must take a developmental role in financing innovation and technology for green transformations.
The book also highlights the role of citizens as innovators, entrepreneurs, green consumers and members of social movements. Green transformations must be both ‘top-down’, involving elite alliances between states and business as well as ‘bottom up’, pushed by grassroots innovators and entrepreneurs, and part of wider mobilisations among civil society. The chapters in the book draw on international examples to emphasise how these contexts matter in shaping pathways to sustainability.
Professor Peter Newell, University of Sussex said: “It is now received wisdom in most quarters that we need to transform the global economy along more sustainable lines. But who decides what is to be transformed and how, and who will benefit from this? Questions of transformation are about politics, power and coalitions as much as technology, markets and innovation alone. This book shows how and why these matter and what’s at stake in the politics of green transformations.”
The Politics of Green Transformations is part of the Pathways to Sustainability Series, which is based on the work of the Social, Technological and Environmental Pathways to Sustainability (STEPS) Centre, a major investment of the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). The STEPS Centre brings together researchers at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) and SPRU (Science and Technology Policy Research) at the University of Sussex with a set of partner institutions in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
For more information on The Politics of Green Transformations, please visit us at:
To request a review copy, or to schedule an interview with the authors, please contact Katy Kasle, Marketing Manager.

18 February, 2015

قوة الجمال الطبيعي تكمن في مجموعة البذور الجديدة من "ذا فيسشوب"

عام جديد تنعم به بشرتك بالدلال الطبيعي
علاجات للبشرة الدهنية والمصبغة والحساسة والجافة
الإمارات العربية المتحدة، دبي، 4 يناير 2014: طرحت العلامة التجميلية التجارية الرائدة "ذا فيسشوب" مع بداية هذا العام الجديد مجموعة جديدة من المنتجات تحت اسم "سلسلة البذور" والتي تحتوي على منتجات عدة مستخلصة من بذور الشيا، والبذور البيضاء، والبذور الملّطفة، وبذور المانجو. تتميز مجموعة "ذا فيسشوب" باعتمادها على العناصر الطبيعية كمكون أساسي لمنتجاتها واتباعها لسياسة صحية وصديقة للبيئة عن طريق استخدام تقنيات حديثة تضمن استعمال أقل نسبة ممكنة من المواد الكيماوية المعالجة في منتجاتها.
مستحضرات "ذا فيس شوب":
تجمع مجموعة الجمال الطبيعي الكورية من "ذا فيسشوب" أفضل عناصر الطبيعة والمستحضرات الطبية التي تساعد في الحفاظ على جمال المرأة. وتراعي مستحضرات "ذا فيسشوب" قوانين الطبيعة لتضمن لمستخدميها أفضل المنتجات بأقل قدر ممكن من المواد الكيماوية. وقد تم إطلاق مجموعة مستحضرات "ذا فيسشوب" في كوريا عام 2003، وتتوافر الآن في أكثر من 2300 متجر في 30 دولة حول العالم.
توفر مجموعة "ذا فيسشوب" مستحضرات كاملة للجسم من كريمات العناية بالبشرة، ومسحضرات التجميل ذات الألوان الصارخة ومستحضرات العناية بالشعر، إلى مختلف أنواع العطور برائحة الزهور. "تلبي هذه المجموعات المختلفة جميع رغبات وأذواق كل من الرجل والمرأة الذين يفضلون استخدام مواد طبيعية بأسعار معقولة.

المجموعة الجديدة من "ذا فيس شوب" – سلسلة البذور الطبيعية:
تحتوي "سلسلة البذور" من "ذا فيسشوب" على أفضل مستخلصات البذور وأكثرها فعالية فهي خالية من المواد الحافظة البارابين، والبينزفينون، والصبغات الاصطناعية، والكبريتات، والمياه المعدنية، والمواد الخام الحيوانية، وثلاثي إيثانول أمين.
تتضمن مستخلصات البذور على "باقة بذور الشيا" المعروفة بخاصية الترطيب المكثف للبشرة الدهنية.
تحتوي هذه المجموعة على مستخلصات التحكم بالدهن الآتية من بذور القطن وتتضمن عناصر تحمي من الالتهابات الجلدية وتعطي مظهراً مشرقاً نابضاً بالحياة من مثل فيتامين سي الذي يخفف من حساسية البشرة وإنتاج الدهن المفرط.  وبعكس البودرة التي تحبس الترطيب وتجعل البشرة جافة، تقوم بذور الشيا والقطن بالمحافظة على المظهر الندي لسطح البشرة لأطول مدة ممكنة. تستخلص البذور بطريقة طبيعية وبدون استخدام الحرارة وبهذا يتم الحفاظ عليها بدون إتلاف عناصرها الطبيعية حيث تضمن تقنية الاستخلاص الطبيعية أثناء عملية الإنبات إتمام وظيفة العناصر التي تحتوي عليها البذور وإعطائها لأفضل النتائج.
تتكون المجموعة من:
  • سائل مرطب "تونر" بماء بذور الشيا العضوية التي تعمل على ترطيب وتغذية البشرة لنضارة ونعومة طوال اليوم، يحتوي هذا المستحضر المرطب على ماء بذور الشيا بدلاً من الماء العادي لبشرة صحية بسعر 100 درهم. الاسم باللغة الانجليزيةCHIA SEED WATERY TONER
  • لوشن مرطب فعال يحتوي على بذور الشيا العضوية. يضمن هذا اللوشن امتصاص سريع لبشرة رطبة طوال الوقت بسعر 100 درهم. الاسم باللغة الإنجليزيةCHIA SEED WATERY LOTION  
  • مرطب مغذي بخلاصة بذور الشيا العضوية المكثفة لبشرة مشرقة ورطوبة مثالية حيث يتم امتصاص المادة الهلامية عبر البشرة بسرعة كبيرة، وهو يوفر الرطوبة الضرورية لأنسجة البشرة الداخلية بسعر 125 درهم. الاسم باللغة الإنجليزيةCHIA SEED MOISTURE-HOLDING SEED ESSENCE
  • مستحضر بذور الشيا لتبييض الهالات السوداء. يستخدم حول العينين ويعطيها الراحة اللازمة ويمنح إشراقة وبشرة أفتح بالإضافة إلى ترطيب المنقطة المعنية بسعر 125 درهم.  الاسم باللغة الإنجليزية CHIA SEED WATERY EYE & SPOT ESSENCE  
  • مغذي عميق لمعالجة البشرة المتضررة وإزالة الخلايا الميتة. توفر المستخلصات رطوبة حتى الطبقات العميقة للبشرة بسعر 125 درهم. الاسم باللغة الإنجليزية CHIA SEED BOOSTING ESSENCE
  • قناع الورق المرطب بخلاصة بذور الشيا بسعر 15 درهم. الاسم باللغة الإنجليزية CHIA SEED HYDRATING MASK SHEET
  • رغوة التنظيف الطبيعية بخلاصة بذور الشيا بسعر 55 درهم. الاسم باللغة الإنجليزية CHIA SEED FRESH CLEANSING FOAM
  • مزيل المكياج الطبيعي بخلاصة بذور الشيا بسعر 55 درهم. الاسم باللغة الإنجليزية CHIA SEED FRESH LIP&EYE MAKE-UP REMOVER
  • مناديل التنظيف الطبيعية بسعر55 درهم. الاسم باللغة الإنجليزية CHIA SEED FRESH CLEANSING WIPES
  • المستحضر الأكثر طلباً واستخداماً هو " كريم الترطيب للتحكم بالبشرة الدهنية بخلاصة بذور الشيا (50 مل) بسعر 155 درهم"الاسم باللغة الإنجليزية: Chia Seed Sebum Control Moisture Cream
يقوم هذا الكريم الشفاف، والذي يتكون 100% من مستخلصات بذور الشيا بدلاً من الماء، بتغذية المسام الرطبة من الجلد ومنع تشكل الدهون الزائدة في نفس الوقت عن طريق تشكيل طبقة مرطبة طبيعية.

الباقة الثانية من سلسة البذور الطبيعية -البذور البيضاء (الترمس والأقحوان الأبيض) للبشرة المتصبغة

تعمل هذه السلسلة على تبييض البشرة وتخفف من التصبغات الجلدية. تبيض بذور الترمس البيضاء البشرة بشكل طبيعي باستخدام مادة "نياسيتاميد"، ومادة "توكوفيرول"، وتحتوي هذه المجوعة على فيتامين سي الذي يصفي لون البشرة من الشوائب في حين تقوم بذور الأقحوان البيضاء بتبييض البشرة حيث أنها تحتوي على عناصر فعالة تتحكم بإنتاج مادة "الميلانين". تقوم هذه المجموعة الغنية بحامض الساليسيليك بتقشير الطبقات العليا من البشرة وبهذا تساعد في تحسين لون البشرة وتعطي مظهراً مشرقاً.
تتكون المجموعة من:
  • مستحضر تبييض البشرة بخلاصة البذور البيضاء بسعر 135 درهم. الاسم باللغة الإنجليزية WHITE SEED REAL WHITENING TONER
  • مستحضر تبييض البشرة المستحلب بخلاصة البذور البيضاء بسعر 135 درهم. الاسم باللغة الإنجليزية WHITE SEED REAL WHITENING EMULSION
  • أنبوب/أمبولة الفيتامينات الخالصة بسعر 90 درهم. الاسم باللغة الإنجليزية PURE VITAMINE AMPOULE
  • قناع الوجه المبيض بخلاصة البذور البيضاء بسعر 20 درهم. الاسم باللغة الإنجليزية
  • رغوة التبييض المقشرة بخلاصة البذور البيضاء بسعر 70 درهم. الاسم باللغة الإنجليزية
  • المستحضر الأكثر طلباً واستخداماً "مستحضر التبييض بخلاصة البذور البيضاء" بسعر 200 درهم. الاسم باللغة الإنجليزية White Seed Whitening Essence & Finisher Set
يقوم هذا المستحضر بالعناية وتبييض لداخل البشرة باستخدام مادة الهيكسيل ريزورسينول، بالإضافة إلى التاثير المضاعف والذي يعمل عمل فيتامين سي، يمنع هذا المستحضر إنتاج الميلانين في الخلايا. كذلك يعطي إشعاعاً ورونقاً للبشرة.

الباقة الثالثة من سلسلة البذور-بذور التامان للبشرة الحساسة
تعمل هذه السلسلة على معالجة البشرة الحساسة والتخفيف من الاحمرار والحكة، أو آثار البثور والحبوب التي يسببها القلق والتوتر وتزايد نسبة الدهنيات في الجسم عن طريق تشكيل حاجز حماية للجلد مشابه لزيت البشرة الطبيعي. تحتوي منتجات هذه المجموعة من سلسلة البذور على عناصر طبيعية بنسبة 95% وتتضمن “مادة الهيبوالرجينيك المستحلبة" أفضل النتائج للتهدئة البشرة.  تضمن هذه المجموعة على معالجة البشرة الحساسة بسبب عدة عوامل منها التلوث، والتغيرات المناخية، والهرمونية، والضغط النفسي
ويعود استخدام مادة التانامو إلى آلاف السنين، حيث استخدمت النساء البولينيزيات الفرنسيات بذور التامانو منذ آلاف السنين وذلك بغرض حماية بشرتهم من حرارة الشمس وهواء البحر الجاف. إن الحصول على المادة الفعالة في بذور التانامو صعب جدا فيتطلب الحصول على5 كيلوات من المادة التي تستخدم في مستحضرات التجميل إلى إحضار 100 كيلو من الفاكهة.
تتكون المجموعة من:
  • كريم ملطف لترطيب البشرة بخلاصة البذور المهدئة بسعر 170 درهم. الاسم باللغة الإنجليزية: Calming Seed Skin-Resting Cream
  • سائل مرطب تونر الذي يهدئ البشرة الحساسة بشكل سريع بخلاصة البذور CALMING SEED
  • SECOND CALMING MIST TONER بسعر 115 درهم.
  • مستحضر العناية والترطيب لتخفيف توتر واحمرار البشرة بخلاصة البذور المهدئة CALMING SEED SOS CARE ESSENCEبسعر 155 درهم.
  • رغوة التنظيف بخلاصة البذور اللطيفة ALMING SEED MILD BUBBLE FOAM CLEANSER بسعر 75 درهم.

الباقة الرابعة من سلسلة البذور-بذور المانجو للبشرة الجافة
تساعد هذه المجموعة على حل مشاكل جفاف البشرة، والحكة، والخطوط الدقيقة، والاحمرار. تمنح بذور المانجو الطبيعية 100% تأثيراً مرطباً وإشعاعاً يدوم لمدة طويلة من خلال زبدة المانجو. تساهم مبيعات هذه المجموعة بتحسين أوضاع سكان دولة السودان في قارة أفريقيا حيث يعود جزء من الريع ومن أرباح مبيعات إلى مزارعي أشجار المانجو التي تستخلص هذه المنتجات منها.
تتكون هذه المجموعة من:
رغوة التنظيف بخلاصة بذور المانجو بسعر 55 درهم MANGO SEED CLEANSING FOAM
زبدة التنظيف بخلاصة بذور المانجو بسعر 55 درهم MANGO SEED CLEANSING BUTTER
مزيل مكياج بخلاصة بذور المانجو بسعر 55 درهم MANGO SEED LIP & EYE MAKEUP REMOVER
قناع الترطيب بخلاصة بذور المانجو بسعر 15 درهم MANGO SEED MOISTURISING MASK SHEET
كريم ترطيب العيون بخلاصة بذور المانجو وبذور الحرير بسعر 130 درهم
سائل مرطب تونر لإضفاء رونق للبشرة بخلاصة بذور المانجو بسعر 130 درهم MANGO SEED SILK MOISTIRISING TONER
مرطب بخلاصة بذور المانجو وبذور الحرير بسعر 110 درهم MANGO SEED SILK MOISTIRISING LOTION
لوشن مرطب بخلاصة بذور المانجو والحرير بسعر 110 درهم MANGO SEED EXFOLIATING CLEAR SMOOTHER
رغوة التنظيف والتنقية بخلاصة بذور زيت المانجو بسعر 75 درهم Mango Seed Oil to Foam Cleanse.  

تتواجد متاجر "ذا فيسشوب" في:
  • دبي – مركز الغرير، ومردف سيتي سنتر، وديرة سيتي سنتر، وفاستيفال سيتي، ووييت روز، والثانية.
  • أبوظبي – أبوظبي مول، ودلما مول، والخالدية مول، وبوابة الشرق، والواحة مول
  • العين – بوادي مول، وجيمي مول
  • الشارقة – المتاجر(الجرينة)، و(المرقاب)، وصحارى سنتر
  • الفجيرة – الفجيرة سيتي سنتر
  • راس الخيمة – الحمرا مول
      وسيتم قريباً افتتاح متاجر في ياس مول في أبوظبي، وبرجمان سنتر في دبي

30 September, 2014

The 5 C’s for Building a Successful Business

Small businesses have made a huge recovery since the economic crash in 2008 and that’s good news for all of us. Since we account for 63 percent of new jobs, our success puts people back to work. That, in turn, helps us even more – people with paychecks buy stuff!
And here’s more good news: The number of new businesses launching has grown each year since hitting a low in 2009.  One report put it at 540,000 new businesses a month this year.
In hopes of contributing in my own small way, I thought I’d share my 5 C’s for building a business. These are the guiding principles I’ve learned in the 24 years since I founded EMSI Public Relations. Through the ups and downs and all the mistakes, I’ve found that if I keep my compass set on the 5 C’s, we always make it through to smoother waters.
What are the C’s?
•  Caring
It starts with caring enough about yourself and your dreams to stay committed to achieving your goals. (Giving up is never a good option!) You have to care enough about yourself to firmly believe that you deserve success and the good things that come with it.

Just as important is caring about your staff and creating a positive work environment for them. Protect their sanity from the clients who want to chew them up and from new hires who don’t fit in and hurt morale. Be supportive when stressful situations arise in their lives outside of work. And ensure everyone has the knowledge and tools they need to be successful.
None of us gets far at all if we don’t care about our customers. Give them the best exchange possible for their money; define expectations so that they understand the end product you are delivering and for which they are paying. Be willing to listen to their concerns, take responsibility for mistakes, and correct them.
•  Courage
Thirty years ago, I probably would never have said it takes courage to lead a small business, but without it, I assure you, you’ll fail. There are dragons and quicksand and dark woods all around. You’ll find them in the day-to-day problems, the obstacles you didn’t see lying in wait, the risks you must take, and the stresses involved with honoring your obligations to everyone working with and for you.

Trust me, your courage will grow every time you push your fear behind you and deal with what frightens you. Which will also help you build confidence.
•  Confidence
Think of the many challenges you’ve faced in your life, and the many times you’ve overcome them. Bring that confidence to your business. Believing that you can reach for and achieve your short- and long-term goals is essential to getting you there.

•  Competence
Competence comes from knowledge and experience. Hone it by staying up on the trends and disruptions in your industry. One of the most important roles a CEO plays is as the visionary for his or her company. That means you can’t, and shouldn’t, take on jobs within your company for which you’re not qualified. You’ll make yourself miserable and your business will suffer. Hire an accountant to handle the financials. Get marketing help if that’s not your thing.

As for employees, take the time to hire competent people who you’ll trust in their jobs – and then trust them!
•  Commitment
Stay dedicated to your goals no matter how difficult that becomes. That may mean taking painful measures, as it did for me after the 9/11 terrorist attacks put the brakes on the economy. There came a point for my business when all hope looked lost. I had to make drastic cuts, including letting go beloved employees. For more than a year, I ramped up marketing efforts, diversified our services, and took other steps to get the business out of the red. In 2005, I succeeded – and it has been upward and onward ever since.
Building my business has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. I get a lot of pleasure from helping our clients meet their goals. I enjoy coming to work and spending time with the team I’m blessed to call part of the family. We laugh loudly and often!
If you’ve recently launched a new business, know that you’ll encounter challenges. Don’t panic! Remember the 5 C’s and forge ahead with caring, courage, confidence, competence and commitment.

09 July, 2014

مجموعة " الطيار للسفر " تصدر كتيب عن أهمية العلاقات الاجتماعية في الإسلام والتي تضمن للعالم الأمن والرخاء

د. ناصر الطيار: نعمل على نشر قيم الترابط والتكافل بين الناس في إطار مفهوم المسؤولية الاجتماعية للشركات
الرياض، 9 يوليو/تموز 2014:
صدر في الآونة الأخيرة كتيب حول "العلاقات الاجتماعية في الإسلام والتي تضمن للعالم الأمن والرخاء والتعاون الصادق". وقد تم اعداده من قبل مجموعة "الطيار للسفر" ضمن الدور الاجتماعي والتثقيفي الذى أخذت على عاتقها القيام به لنشر قيم الاسلام السمحة في كل مكان بالعالم .
وقال نائب رئيس مجلس الإدارة، والعضو المنتدب لمجموعة "الطيار للسفر القابضة"، الدكتور ناصر بن عقيل الطيار: يندرج هذا الكتيب، ضمن سلسلة اصدارات " المسؤولية الاجتماعية" التي تحرص مجموعة الطيار على الإسهام بها في مجال تعزيز الثقافة الإسلامية ، ونشر قيم الترابط والتكافل بين كافة شرائح المجتمع من خلال عمل دراسات وتقييم للكثير من النشاطات الاجتماعية؛ لمعرفة أكثرها فائدة للناس.
مؤكداً علي أن شركة " مجموعة الطيار للسفر القابضة" منذ نشأتها في مطلع الثمانينات من القرن الماضي ، لم تكتفى فقط بالعمل الاقتصادي وتنمية مشروعاتها ؛ وانما ايضا اخذت على عاتقها الإسهام في بث روح التكافل الاجتماعي , والعمل على تخفيف معاناة الفقراء , دعم الجمعيات الخيرية الرسمية, ومساعدة المرضى والمحتاجين، وكفالة الأيتام وغيرهم من المحتاجين وبين الدكتور ناصر ، أن مجموعة الطيار قد اتخذت مسارين متوازيين لتحقيق اهدافها الاجتماعية ، الأول مادى من خلال تبرعات تصرف في أوجه الخير والبر ومساعده المحتاجين. والآخر تثقيفي ، يتضمن سلسلة اصدارات " المسؤولية الاجتماعية " والتي تتمحور حول القضايا التي تهم المجتمع المسلم.
ويتضمن كتيب "العلاقات الاجتماعية في الإسلام" تعريفاً دقيقاً للمفاهيم الرئيسية في مجال المعاملات بين الناس والتي نصت عليها الشريعة ؛ وحثت عليها السنة النبوية العطرة ، كذلك استعراض دقيق لنظريات علماء النفس والاجتماع ،التي تحذر من خطورة غياب قيم الترابط والتكافل في أي مجتمع وما ينتج عنها من مشاكل خطيرة تهدد الأمن والاستقرار
وبين الكتيب أهمية التسمك بالقيم الإسلامية الصحيحة دون تعصب وغلو، باعتبارها الخيار الأمثل للتغلب على كافة عقبات الحياة التي تواجه الفرد في أي مجتمع، وأوضح الكتيب كيف ألزمت الشريعة الاسلامية الإنسان بضوابط تمنعه من التردي في المجال الذى يبعده عن الناس، أو يثنيه عن تأدية ما يقوى روابط المحبة والود بينه وبين أهله، أو يدعم روح التعاون بينه وبين كافة من حوله في إطار من الود والاحترام المتبادل، وتقديم العون لكل صاحب حاجة.
كما يهدف الكتيب التوعوي إلى ترسيخ مفهوم الترابط الأسري والتلاحم بين الازواج ، وكيف جعلها الله عز وجل قائمة على المودة والعطف والسكينة، والرحمة، فضلاً عن ذلك، فإن كتيب "العلاقات الاجتماعية في الإسلام" يبرز أهمية بر الوالدين والحرص على طاعتهما وإظهار الحب والاحترام لهما والحديث معهما بكل أدب وتقدير، والإنصات إليهما عندما يتحدثان، وعدم التضجر وإظهار الضيق منهما.
كما تطرق إلى أهمية حسن تربية الأبناء في الشريعة الإسلامية، فأمر بأن يختار الأب لابنه أفضل الأمهات، بمعنى أن يحسن اختيار زوجته، التي ستكون أما لأولاده، كذلك أوصاه بأن يختار لأولاده أحسن الأسماء، فلا يطلق عليهم أسماء تبعث على السخرية والاستهزاء بهم، وأن يسعى سعيا حثيثا في عمله حتى يهيئ لهم تربية حسنة، وكذلك دعوته أن يكون رحيما بهم، عطوفا عليهم، مرشدا لهم إلى الطريق المستقيم.
يذكر ان مجموعة "الطيار للسفر" هي (شركة مساهمة عامة), حاصلة على الاعتماد الدولي من الاتحاد الدولي للنقل الجوي ( أياتا- IATA)، وتصنف دوليا ضمن أفضل 25 شركه في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال افريقيا, بمجالات السفر والسياحة , تأسست عام 1980 ، وتتخذ من العاصمة السعودية الرياض مقراً لها, وتضم أكثر من 3000 موظف في أكثر من 351 فرعا , وتضم 15 شركة متخصصة في خدمات السفر و السياحة داخل المملكة العربية السعودية، ، ونحو 11 شركة خارج المملكة و26 مكتبا في جميع مطارات المملكة. وتقدم خدماتها بمهنية عالية وفقا لمعايير الجودة العالمية.

21 June, 2014

Vatika Hammam Zaith Black Seed

Hair is an integral part of a woman’s beauty as well as personality. It not only protects the head

from excessive heat loss but also helps create different looks, making her look more appealing

and attractive. Long, strong, voluminous and radiant hair can transform a woman’s persona,

therefore it becomes very important to take care of hair. In fact, a recent research stated that an

average woman spends almost 10 days in a year to ensure her hair look perfect.

A healthy look is every woman’s desire, which can be achieved only with a proper hair care

regimen. Arab women, in particular, find it difficult to maintain a long and lustrous mane due to

long hot and dry weather, the quality of water in the region, increased pollution, high stress and a

busy lifestyle due to personal and professional commitments. In the absence of regular hair care

treatment, hair eventually becomes dull, dry and lifeless--leading to common problems like split

ends, dandruff and hair loss.

After analyzing the hair care requirement of the Arab women, Vatika launched Hammam Zaith,

a deep conditioning, hot-oil treatment cream that comes enriched with natural ingredients. Vatika

Hammam Zaith is available in many variants - Deep Condition, Intensive Nourishment, Hair Fall

Control, Dandruff Guard, Garlic, and Volume & Thickness and Black seed. Vatika Hammam

Zaith has a variant suitable for every hair type, addressing specific hair problems such damaged

hair, hair fall, dandruff, weak hair with slow growth, and thin and limp hair. These variants are

fortified with time-tested herbs such as garlic, cactus, olive, egg, lemon, tea tree oil and coconut,

resulting in problem free, beautiful hair.

Vatika is the only brand to utilize the goodness of Habba Sauda (Black Seed) in its unique deep

conditioning, hot oil treatment cream – Hammam Zaith Black Seed, a new variant for long,

strong and shiny hair. Black Seed is popularly known as the ‘Seed of Blessing’ in the Arab

World because of its legendary healing properties. Boasting of the special properties of Habba

Sauda, Vatika Hammam Zaith Black Seed offers intensive hair care conditioning for complete

hair protection. Black Seed contains essential nutrients such as amino acids and omega-3 and

omega-6 fatty acids that help promote proper cell functioning essential for healthy hair. It is also

a rich source of minerals and vitamins, which results in strong and shiny hair.

Vatika Hammam Zaith Black Seed comes as an easy application cream, which is applied after

shampoo on wet hair. The deep conditioning cream needs to be rinsed after 10 minutes of

application -- resulting in revitalized, lustrous and voluminous hair. Furthermore, regular use of

Vatika Hammam Zaith Black Seed results in salon like hair and can be achieved at a affordable

price and used within the comfort of your own home. Women can benefit with thick hair that is

strong from root to tip and gleaming with good health.

05 June, 2014

5 Keys to Developing Personal Power

Working on Emotional Intelligence Skills
 Can Open the Door to Achievement

By: Lynda Chervil
Personal power is a core leadership competency that everyone needs to develop before they can lead others. It has to do with being able to lead yourself.
"Personal power is the ability to achieve what you want,” according to Frederick Mann, a successful entrepreneur and author of The Economic Rape of America. “More than anything else, it is personal power that brings you success and happiness. The biggest barrier to success in almost any endeavor is powerlessness, negativity, helplessness, and inertia. They belong together. The problem is not only our own powerlessness, but also the powerlessness of those around us."
We can help harness and learn to use our personal power by understanding and working on our Emotional Intelligence (EI) skills.
Not long ago, when I worked in a corporate environment, there was a strong push to incorporate EI into the organization's leadership training curriculum as an array of skills and characteristics that drive leadership performance.
EI is "the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions," according to psychologists John D. Mayer and Peter Salovey, who co-developed the concept and were two of the three authors of the Emotional Intelligence Test.
My EI training and its practical applications to my work team environment still resonate in my personal life. They became skills that I now methodically apply to current situations in both personal and entrepreneurial pursuits.
There are several EI models, but the one to which I ascribe is the mixed model introduced by Daniel Goldman, a combination of ability and traits. Here are Goldman’s five main EI constructs, and my views on how each of us can develop them:
1.  Self-awareness: the ability to know one's emotions, strengths, weaknesses, drives, values and goals and recognize their impact on others while using gut feelings to guide decisions.
In order to become self-aware, you need to conduct an honest self-assessment to determine your strengths and weaknesses, such as powerlessness and inertia, and determine the root causes. You then need to create a plan that will help you overcome your fears, which are barriers to courage and stand between you and your successes.
While I am a big proponent of using my intuition to guide my decisions, whenever it is appropriate, I need to caution that unless your gut feelings are often more right than wrong, you cannot make decisions solely based upon intuition. You need to use a balanced combination of intuition and logic.
2.  Self-regulation: involves controlling or redirecting one's disruptive emotions and impulses and adapting to changing circumstances.
Simply put, you need to exercise self-discipline and know how to control your emotions and be flexible in order to adapt to changing situations. You cannot continue on the same trajectory or keep the same plans when the circumstances or facts have changed. Your plans need to be modified accordingly.
3.  Social skills: managing relationships to move people in the desired direction.
Your social skills refer to your interpersonal skills or your ability to relate and connect with people, which can motivate them to deploy discretionary efforts to help you achieve goals that are best accomplished via partnership and collaboration.
Here are some tips for improving your social skills:
a.  Pay attention to the feedback of friends and co-workers, good and bad. Train yourself to repeat the behaviors that get positive feedback and work on eliminating those that make people react negatively.
b.  View constructive criticism as just that. When we become defensive, we don’t hear what can be very helpful feedback.
c.  Learn to handle conflict and confrontation from a perspective of compassion and caring.
Personal coaching can be very helpful in learning to be more diplomatic in your interactions with others.
4.  Empathy - considering other people's feelings, especially when making decisions. 
Some people believe empathy cannot be learned, but I believe just the opposite. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and try to see situations from their perspective. Might they be feeling fear? Shame? Guilt? How do those emotions make you feel? Understanding and addressing the concerns of others is essential to EI.
Always consider intent versus impact, and how your actions or decisions may affect the individuals or groups involved.
5.  Motivation - being driven to achieve for the sake of achievement.
Simply put, what motivates you? What are your benchmarks for success? Once you achieve certain levels of success, you need to consistently set new benchmarks to keep chasing personal excellence!
Practice your EI skills on yourself first, and you’ll develop greater personal power. That can lead to achievements you may never have dreamed possible.

04 March, 2014

4 Ways to Come Up with Brilliant Ideas When the Pressure’s On

National Ideas Month Shines a Light on Creativity
March is National Ideas Month.  Hey, whose bright idea was that?
Here’s an intriguing idea from New York Times best-selling author and writing coach Michael Levin,: “Creativity is a muscle; use it or lose it.”
Levin, whose new Books Are My Babies YouTube channel ( offers 160-plus free tutorials for writers, says anyone can grow their creativity, just like any other muscle.
“I define creativity as ‘the ability to develop great ideas while under pressure,’ ” he says. “Pressure creates diamonds, so why shouldn’t it also create great ideas?” 
But sometimes, pressure paralyzes creativity.

“I’ve experienced it when writing under deadline pressure and writing under the pressure of my own high expectations,” Levin says. “Over time, I’ve developed several tricks to stimulate my creative muscle and help me come up with great ideas for whatever challenge I face – whether it’s writing or figuring out how to arrange a busy family weekend schedule so that everyone’s needs are met.”

Here are four of Levin’s no-fail tips for generating creative ideas under pressure:
1. Ask yourself, “What’s the most dangerous, expensive and illegal way to solve this problem?”  We usually take the same approach to solving problems every time with the resources we have at hand. “This doesn’t exactly translate into breathtaking creativity,” Levin says.  So imagine that you have no limits — legal, moral, financial, whatever. You can do literally anything to solve the problem. The way-out ideas you develop may not be practical, but they’ll lead you to new ways of thinking about your problem. And then you can find a non-life-threatening, legal way to solve it!
2.  Hide.  We live in a world of constant, thin-sliced demands. Unanswered texts and emails. People waiting for you to say something, do something, read something, decide something. Run and hide. Lock yourself in your car or hunker down in a bathroom stall. Slow down and get your brain back. 
It’s all but impossible for your creative brain to operate when you’re responding to endless external stimuli. The best ideas often come when you run from your responsibilities.
3. Count to 20. Go somewhere where you can be undisturbed, bring a yellow pad and a pen, turn off your phone, and sit there until you come up with 20 ideas for solving your problem. This requires discipline, because most of us are so happy when we have one answer to a problem that we want to move to the next agenda item. Not every idea you invent will be a great one, but that’s okay.  It may be idea number 17 that’s truly brilliant, but you’d never get there if you ran back to your desk after you came up with one, two or even five ideas. If you do this daily, you’ll develop 100 new ideas a week. Imagine how strong your idea muscle will be!
4. Give up. Cardiologists recommend to heart patients that they visit nature, go to a museum, or attend a classical concert. Why? It slows them down and allows them to appreciate beauty instead of seeing life as a constant battle.  Surrender your own siege mentality. Life isn’t war, thank goodness. Take a major step away, even for a couple of hours, from whatever battles you’re facing, contemplate the greatness of the human spirit or the wonder of nature, and reawaken the creative energy that our fight-minded world suppresses.
So there you have it, four ways to generate great ideas under pressure. Where’s your next big idea coming from? From your mind at peace, that’s where!

How the Little Guys Can Win In Today’s David-and-Goliath Business World

Business Intelligence Expert Shares Tips for Using
Actionable Data to Gain the Advantage
Before the internet, small companies didn’t stand a chance against the Goliaths, says Corrine Sandler, a globally recognized leader in business intelligence and market research.
That’s because no war can be won without intelligence and, before the digital era, collecting actionable data and information about one’s competitors, market and customers cost a lot more than most small businesses – the Davids – could afford.
“But today, the Davids are taking down the Goliaths,” says Sandler, founder and CEO of Fresh Intelligence Research Corp., a global business intelligence company, and author of the new book, “Wake Up or Die” (, a comprehensive guide to the use of intelligence in the contemporary business environment.
“Thanks to the internet, the boutiques and startups have access to all kinds of free tools for gathering intelligence. They’re also much more agile than the big corporations; they can make a decision and act immediately. That’s essential in a marketplace where conditions change quickly.”
In “Wake Up or Die,” Sandler applies lessons from Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” – the 2,000-year-old military treatise penned by one of the greatest commanders in history – to the modern business economy. Sun Tzu held that the goal in any war is to win without ever entering into physical battle.
“By gathering actionable data and acting on it immediately, by using it to predict next moves and spot opportunities, small businesses can and are taking down the big ones without a drop of blood being shed,” Sandler says. 
She offers smaller business owners these tips for acquiring and using intelligence:
• If you lack resources, make use of free or inexpensive intelligence-gathering tools. Visit competitors’ websites and collect data about them. Many businesses put a great deal of revealing information on their sites, which can benefit you. Also, make note of any changes on their sites. Google Alerts can tell you when they’re releasing new products or expanding. Use Google analytics tools such as Google Hot Trends to tell you what’s in the collective consciousness – potential consumer demand – at any given time. Google’s key word tool will give you ideas for powerful key words in search terms, and use the traffic tool to measure global volume on those key words.
• Make intelligence-gathering part of your company’s culture. From the manager who overhears a conversation in the grocery checkout line to the clerk obsessed with Twitter, every employee in your business is a potential intelligence resource. Encourage employees to pay attention as they interact with others outside the company. They may discover a nagging issue that no other company is addressing, allowing you to create uncontested market space. Or, you may learn critical information about a competitor that allows you to seize an advantage. Make intelligence gathering a company lifestyle.  
• Appoint a Chief Intelligence Officer (CIO) to coordinate and analyze information from a variety of sources. In smaller companies, leaders tend to rely on pipelines of internal information provided by employees who don’t understand how to use intelligence to make empowering decisions. That can render important data inactionable (unusable or simply not used). A CIO can oversee and coordinate the collection and analysis of intelligence, and brief you – the business leader – daily so that all data is actionable.
“What enables you to make smart, timely decisions is access to precise intelligence,” Sandler says. “Your advantage, as a smaller business, is that you don’t have the corporate processes and protocols that inhibit fast action.
“As Sun Tzu wrote, ‘It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win 100 battles without a single loss.’ ”