27 November, 2019

US$4.5 billion Mid-East destination wedding tourism, a key trend defining region’s hospitality industry, says new ATM report

5% of destination weddings take place in the Middle East with the UAE the most favoured location

EWAA tourism as well as solo and female-led travel also set to define hospitality industry as we look ahead to 2020 and beyond

Destination wedding tourism as well as solo and female led travel and ecotourism, wellness, adventure and agritourism (EWAA) are defining the hospitality industry landscape, according to data released ahead of Arabian Travel Market 2020 (ATM), which takes place at Dubai World Trade Centre from Sunday 19 – Wednesday 22 April 2020.

The research by Colliers International, ATM’s official research partner, revealed that the destination wedding segment is worth more than US$90 billion globally, with 25% of marriages now taking place abroad – equating to approximately 340,000 destination weddings every year.

Looking at the Middle East specifically, the regional market is worth over US$4.5 billion, attracting 5% of the global destination weddings market. The UAE is the most favoured location as a result of the emirate’s relaxed visa regulations, easy connectivity, year-round sunshine, its variety of pristine beaches and scenic mountain ranges.

Danielle Curtis, Exhibition Director ME, Arabian Travel Market, said: “Destination wedding tourism is just one of four key trends identified in the Colliers report that will define the Middle East, and indeed, the global travel and tourism market as well as consumer behavior, as we look ahead to 2020 and beyond.

“Overseas weddings are now playing a key role in the overall growth of the global hospitality industry, as more couples seek a unique as well as a personalised experience abroad. And in addition, these weddings are also positively impacting the local economies,” she added.

Ecotourism, Wellness, Adventure and Agritourism (EWAA) is another notable emerging trend, particularly among environmentally conscious consumers. According to the Colliers data, 70% of global travellers are now more likely to book accommodation that is eco-friendly, with 52% prepared to alter their behavior on holiday to become more sustainable.

Today’s travellers are more attuned to the environmental impact of tourism and are looking for destinations that provide sustainable accommodation and experiences such as glamping, a form of camping that combines the traditional components with more luxurious facilities and amenities.

“Glamping has become increasingly popular in the Middle East over recent years, mainly as a result of the region’s varied landscapes, with various glamping sites opening throughout the UAE, Oman and Jordan including Hatta Sedr Lodges, Hatta; Bedouin Oasis Camp, Ras Al Khaimah; Desert Nights Camp, Oman and Wadi Rum Night Luxury Camp, Jordan.”

Other major predictions include an increase in the number of solo and female travellers. Global searches for solo travel witnessed an increase of 17.4% in 2018 compared to 2017 as the idea of travelling alone has become more socially acceptable leading to hotel and tour operators removing single supplement fees to accommodate this growing market.

The Colliers data indicates that 58% of millennials are more likely to travel alone compared with 47% of baby boomers, and interestingly, 74% of lone travellers are in fact females with social media, particularly Instagram and Pinterest the main sources for travel inspiration for these unaccompanied trips.

Curtis added: “Women control approximately 40% of global wealth, a factor that has greatly contributed to more woman opting to take solo trips in recent years. Seeking time for themselves, solo female travellers tend to select their location based on adventure, culture, relaxation and gastronomy as well as visiting destinations as part of voluntary programmes or to learn new skills.”

These dynamic trends shaping the Middle East’s hospitality industry will be explored in greater detail during ATM 2020, with a host of seminar sessions discussing the impact these emerging trends will have on tourism growth in the region.

ATM, considered by industry professionals as a barometer for the Middle East and North Africa tourism sector, welcomed almost 40,000 people to its 2019 event with representation from 150 countries. With over 100 exhibitors making their debut, ATM 2019 showcased the largest ever exhibition from Asia. Looking ahead, ATM will adopt Events for Tourism Growth as the official show theme for the 2020 edition of the show.

سياحة الزفاف بقيمة 4.5 مليار دولار محرك جديد لصناعة الضيافة في الشرق الأوسط حسب سوق السفر العربي

تستحوذ منطقة الشرق الأوسط على 5% من وجهات حفلات الزفاف في العالم وتعد الإمارات المكان المفضل لإقامة هذه الحفلات 

من المتوقع أن تقود سياحة الزفاف وسياحة السفر الفردي وسياحة السيدات والسياحة البيئية والصحية وسياحة المغامرات والسياحة الزراعية الاتجاهات الجديدة في صناعة الضيافة بالتزامن مع حلول عام 2020 والأعوام التي تليه

ستلعب الوجهات المفضلة لحفلات الزفاف وسياحة السفر الفردي وسياحة السيدات والسياحة البيئية والصحية فضلاً عن سياحة المغامرات والسياحة الزراعية دوراً رئيسياً في رسم ملامح قطاع الضيافة في السنوات المقبلة، وذلك وفقاً للبيانات الصادرة عن معرض سوق السفر العربي 2020 الذي يقام في مركز دبي التجاري العالمي من الأحد 19 وحتى الأربعاء 22 أبريل 2020. 

وكشف البحث الذي أجرته كوليرز إنترناشيونال الشريك الرسمي للأبحاث لمعرض سوق السفر العربي، أن حجم قطاع الوجهات المفضلة لحفلات الزفاف يتجاوز 90 مليار دولار أمريكي عالمياً، مع الإشارة إلى أن نحو 25% من حفلات الزفاف تجري في الخارج، أي ما يصل إلى 340,000 حفلة زفاف كل عام. 

وعلى مستوى الشرق الأوسط تحديداً، يبلغ حجم سوق حفلات الزفاف أكثر من 4.5 مليار دولار وهو ما يشكل نحو 5% من السوق العالمي لحفلات الزفاف. وتعد دولة الإمارات الوجهة الأكثر تفضيلاً لإقامة هذا النوع من الحفلات نظراً للتسهيلات المتعلقة بالحصول على التأشيرة وسهولة السفر إليها والمناخ المناسب على مدار العام ووجود الشواطئ البكر الساحرة، فضلاً عن السلاسل الجبلية ذات البيئة الهادئة والمناظر الخلابة. 

وفي معرض تعليقها على ذلك، قالت دانييل كورتيس، مديرة معرض سوق السفر العربي في الشرق الأوسط: "تشكل سياحة حفلات الزفاف واحدة من أربعة اتجاهات رئيسية سترسم ملامح قطاع الضيافة في الشرق الأوسط، كما أنها ستؤثر على صناعة السياحة والسفر العالمي وسلوك الأفراد والمستهلكين، بالتزامن مع حلول عام 2020 والأعوام التي تليه. 

"تلعب حفلات الزفاف التي تقام في الخارج الآن دوراً رئيسياً في النمو الشامل الذي تشهده صناعة الضيافة على مستوى العالم، كما تؤثر بشكل إيجابي على نمو الاقتصادات المحلية، حيث يسعى الأزواج للحصول على تجربة فريدة وشخصية خارج دولهم".

وفي سياقٍ متصل، تعد السياحة البيئية والصحية فضلاً عن سياحة المغامرات والسياحة الزراعية اتجاهات ناشئة أيضاً في قطاع الضيافة لاسيما بين الأفراد المهتمين بالبيئة. وحسب كوليرز، فإن نحو 70% من المسافرين حول العالم يفضلون الحجز والإقامة في أماكن صديقة للبيئة، مع استعداد ما يقرب 52% منهم لتغيير سلوكهم في العطلات بما يتناسب مع الاستدامة. 

واليوم، بات المسافرون أكثر انسجاماً مع التأثير البيئي للسياحة، وأصبحوا يبحثون عن وجهات توفر لهم أماكن "إقامة مستدامة" إن جاز التعبير وتجارب جديدة مثل التخييم الفاخر وهو شكل من أشكال التخييم يجمع بين المكونات التقليدية مع مرافق وأماكن إقامة أكثر فخامة.

وعلّقت كورتيس على هذه النقطة قائلة: "اكتسب التخييم الفاخرة شعبية متزايدة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط على مدى السنوات الأخيرة، بسبب كثرة المناظر الطبيعية وافتتاح العديد من مواقع الجذب المذهلة في مختلف أنحاء دولة الإمارات وعُمان والأردن بما في ذلك منتجع سدر تريلرز حتا، مخيم واحة البدو في رأس الخيمة، مخيم ليالي الصحراء في عُمان، مخيم وادي رم الفاخر في الأردن".

وتشير التوقعات المستقبلية الأخرى إلى نمو سياحة السفر الفردي وسياحة السيدات، حيث ارتفع البحث عن باقات السفر الفردي بنسبة 17.4% عام 2018 مقارنةً بعام 2017، وبات مفهوم السفر الفردي مألوفاً من بين المجتمع وهو ما دفع مشغلي الفنادق ومنظمي الجولات السياحية إلى إلغاء رسوم الإقامة الفردية لتلبية احتياجات هذا السوق المتنامي.

وتشير البيانات التي نشرتها كوليرز إلى أن 58% من جيل الألفية لديهم شغف تجاه السياحة الفردية مقابل 47% لجيل الطفرة السكانية. ومن المثير للاهتمام أن نحو 74% من محبي السفر الفردي هم من الإناث الذين يفضلون السفر بمفردهم ونشر تجاربهم وقصصهم على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي لاسيما تطبيق إنستغرام الذي يعد مصدر إلهام لهذا النوع من الرحلات في الوقت الراهن. 

واختتمت كورتيس: "تستحوذ السيدات على حوالي 40% من الثروة العالمية، وهو ما ساهم بشكلٍ كبير في تحفيز المزيد منهن على السفر بمفردهن في السنوات الأخيرة. وفي هذا الإطار، تميل المسافرات إلى اختيار وجهات السفر على أساس خوض المغامرة والتعرف على ثقافات جديدة والاسترخاء والطهي، وكذلك زيارة الوجهات كجزء من البرامج التطوعية أو بهدف تعلم مهارات جديدة". 

يعتبر سوق السفر العربي من أبرز الأحداث في قطاع السياحة والسفر بمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا حسب رأي أبرز المتخصصين في هذا القطاع، وقد استقبلت دورة عام 2019 نحو 40,000 متخصص في قطاعات السفر والسياحة والضيافة من 150 دولة. كما شهد المعرض مشاركة أكثر من 100 جهة عارضة جديدة، وسجل أكبر مشاركة في تاريخه من قارة آسيا. 

هذ وستشكل الأحداث والفعاليات الكبرى التي تدعم نمو قطاع السياحة المحور الرئيسي لمعرض سوق السفر العربي 2020، الذي سيواصل النجاح الذي حققه في نسخة العام الحالي عبر مجموعة من الندوات والجلسات الحوارية التي ستناقش تأثير الأحداث والفعاليات في نمو السياحة في المنطقة، وكيفية إلهام صناعة السفر والضيافة حول أهمية الجيل التالي من الأحداث.



The American University in Cairo will host former US diplomats Daniel Kurtzer and Frank Wisner in a talk titled, “Perspectives on the United States and its Relations with Egypt and the Middle East.”

Daniel Kurtzer was former US ambassador to Egypt and Israel and is a professor of Middle East studies, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University.

Frank Wisner was former US ambassador to India, Egypt, Philippines and Zambia and is international affairs advisor, Squire Patton Boggs.

The talk will be moderated by anchor Lamees El Hadidi ’87, ’90


Tuesday, December 3, 2019; 1:30 to 3:00 pm


Oriental Hall, AUC Tahrir

26 November, 2019

ملتقى الاستثمار السنوي يوقع مذكرة تفاهم مع معهد أبحاث رأس المال الصيني

الإمارات العربية المتحدة، دبي 26 نوفمبر 2019
 تنظم الوزارة فعاليات الدورة العاشرة من الملتقى، برعاية صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم، نائب رئيس الدولة رئيس مجلس الوزراء حاكم دبي، رعاه الله، خلال الفترة من 24 إلى 26 مارس المقبل في مركز دبي التجاري العالمي، تحت شعار"الاستثمار من أجل المستقبل: استشراف سياسات الاستثمار العالمية". للنشر في منصاتكم الإعلامية.

أبرم ملتقى الاستثمار السنوي(AIM) ، أكبر منصة استثمارية في الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا والذي تنظمه وزارة الاقتصاد بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، اتفاقية تعاون مشترك مع معهد أبحاث رأس المال الصيني China Venture Capital Research Institute (CVCRI) ، وقعها كل من وليد فرغل المدير العام/ ملتقى الاستثمار السنوي، وجيهونغ دينغ رئيس CVCRI، بحضور سعادة رحمة بن عبد الرحمن الشامسي القنصل العام لدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة في مدينة كوانغ جو الصينية، وياو وينكاي رئيس مكتب بلدية شينزين للتجارة، وذلك في فندق شانجريلا، شينزين.

وتهدف المذكرة إلى وضع إطار عام يحدد آليات التعاون، ويعزز من العمل الثنائي في المجالات ذات الاهتمام المشترك، لتسهيل التواصل وإقامة شراكات تجارية بين المستثمرين الدوليين والمحليين وكبار أصحاب رؤوس الأموال والشركات الصينية التي تبحث عن سبل جديدة للاستثمار في BRIمبادرة الطريق الصينية.

وقال وليد فرغل المدير العام لـ AIM ، " إن العلاقات الاقتصادية القوية بين الإمارات العربية المتحدة والصين مدعومة بإرادة سياسية قوية متبادلة لدعم وتحقيق النمو الاقتصادي والتنمية المستدامة في العديد من القطاعات الرئيسية مثل الفضاء، والبناء، والسياحة، والرعاية الصحية، والطاقة النظيفة، والنفط، والبيئة، حيث يعتبر هذا أحد التوجهات الأساسية من وراء تنظيم ملتقى الاستثمار السنوي، الذي يهدف إلى تحقيق الازدهار الاقتصادي للأمم من خلال عرض الفرص الاستثمارية المستدامة والمجدية في مجال المحافظ الاستثمارية الأجنبية، ومدن المستقبل والشركات الناشئة. كما ستشكل ركيزة حزام واحد، طريق واحد خلال الملتقى منصة مثالية لربط المستثمرين والشركات الصينية الباحثة عن تنفيذ مشاريع البنية التحتية المستدامة والتي تعود بالنفع المتبادل عليهم ".

وأكدت جيهونغ دينغ على أهمية توقيع مثل هذه الشراكات والتي تعمل على توطيد العلاقات الاقتصادية بين الإمارات والصين، قائلاً: "يشكل ملتقى الاستثمار السنوي منصة مثالية للمستثمرين الصينيين، حيث نتوقع أن يشارك 500 من أصحاب رأس المال الاستثماري والأسهم الخاصة في الدورة العاشرة القادمة من AIM، والتي تتضمن حدثًا خاصًا وهو مبادرة حزام واحد، طريق واحد (OBOR) الهادفة إلى مساعدة المستثمرين لإيجاد فرص الاستثمار المحتملة."

يعمل معهد أبحاث رأس المال الصيني منذ تأسيسه عام 2003، على تقديم خدمات متميزة حول التطوير النظري والعملي لصياغة سياسات أعمال رأس المال الاستثماري في الصين، وتعزيز البيئة المناسبة التي تضمن النمو الصحي والمتسارع لرأس المال الاستثماري في الصين وصناعات التكنولوجيا المتطورة. يرتبط المعهد بعلاقات قوية مع أكثر من 3000 معهد استثماري، وما يقارب 10000 شركة في داخل الصين وخارجها.

تعد دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة شريكًا مهمًا للصين في مبادرة الحزام والطريق الصينية، حيث تضم 6000 شركة صينية يقع معظمها في دبي، كما بلغ حجم التجارة الثنائية بين الصين والإمارات ما قيمته 11.2 مليار دولار في الربع الأول من عام 2019، أي بزيادة نسبتها 16% مقارنة بنفس الفترة خلال العام السابق.

تمتلك كبرى شركات الطاقة الصينية مثل شركة الصين الوطنية للنفط البحري، وشركة زينهوا الصينية للنفط، ومؤسسة الاستثمار الصينية المملوكة للدولة، وCITIC ، مكاتباً في أبو ظبي منذ عام 2018، بينما افتتحت شركة هندسة الماكينات الصينية، و CMEC ، مكتبًا لها في دبي، كما تقوم كل من شركة بناء السكك الحديدية الصينية، ومجموعة هندسة بناء السكك الحديدية الصينية ، وشركة هندسة الطاقة الصينية، بضخ المزيد من الموظفين إلى سوق الإمارات بسبب التوسع في المشاريع الجديدة.

يسعى ملتقى الاستثمار السنوي من خلال تنظيمه لمبادرة حزام واحد، طريق واحد إلى تسليط الضوء على الفرص الاستثمارية المتاحة ضمن مبادرة الحزام والطريق الصينية التي أطلقتها الصين عام 2013، وضخت في سياقها تريليونات الدولارات، بهدف تحفيز النمو الاقتصادي وزيادة فرص الاستثمار عبر القارات، والتي إذا تم تنفيذها ستسهم في زيادة التجارة العالمية بنسبة تتراوح بين 1.7 و 6.2 %، ونمو الدخل العالمي بنسبة من 0.7 % إلى 2.9 %.


India, KSA and the UK maintain their status as Dubai’s dominant traffic generators

Oman and China continue on their impressive double-digit trajectory, propelling GCC and Asian region visitation
Philippines re-enters top 10 and Kazakhstan featured in top 20 for the first time – with emphatic 29 per cent and 24 per cent volume spikes respectively
Spearheading African growth, Nigeria asserted its influence recording the single largest national increase at 34 per cent

Government of Dubai Media Office – 26 November 2019: A surge in arrivals over the summer months accelerated Dubai’s tourism momentum, as the city welcomed 12.08 million international overnight visitors in the first nine months of 2019, according to the latest visitation figures released by Dubai’s Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (Dubai Tourism). The strong 4.3 per cent increase in volume growth compared to the same period last year was supported by highly participatory contributions from both traditional and emerging markets, that has continued to capture strong shares of the tourist wallet, further stimulating Dubai’s GDP impact, and the city’s remarkable consistency in transforming itself to respond to global competition.

The positive performance, which drew over 1.23 million visitors to the city in September, an above market average increase of 7.3 per cent over the same month in 2018, coincided with Dubai being ranked the fourth most visited city in the world for the fifth year in a row in Mastercard’s Global Destination Cities Index 2019, a clear indication that Dubai is continuously renewing its attractiveness to remain a leading global destination.

Dubai Tourism’s multi-dimensional market-specific strategies, and customised campaigns continued to yield tangible results particularly showcasing the city’s ability to reinvent itself and remain ‘top-of mind’ to both new and repeat audiences across regular strongholds – India, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom and Oman. Together with China that remained the world’s largest tourism volume driver, these five leading feeder countries surpassed the five million threshold for the first nine months of 2019.

India retained its position as Dubai’s leading source market, with over 1.39 million visitors during the first nine months of 2019, reaffirming the effectiveness of various innovative promotional activities launched by Dubai Tourism, including the continued success of its multi-award-winning collaboration with Bollywood icon Shah Rukh Khan, campaigns across digital and broadcast platforms, as well as capitalising on a federal government decision to exempt children under 18 from visa fees during the summer months. This reaped dividends as evidenced in the increase in travel share of Indian families with children by a substantial 13 percentage points from 32 to 45 per cent during the nine-month period in 2019 over the same period last year.

Solidifying its position as the highest traffic volume generator for the GCC, Saudi Arabia registered a two per cent year-on-year growth for over 1.25 million visitors, largely driven by the KSA National Day holiday on 23 September, which saw Saudi arrivals registering a massive 36+% growth compared to the same holiday period in 2018. With Dubai emphasising its priority focus on Saudi families, tourism campaigns and promotions dominated digital, social and multi-media platforms ensuring that the city’s custom line-up of events, entertainment and lifestyle offerings for KSA were always relevant, accessible, and unmissable.

Despite the devaluation of the pound against the dollar, and continued Brexit uncertainty, UK remained Dubai’s third largest source market with 851,000 visitors, largely due to the intense ‘always on’ series of in-market activities ranging from seasonal campaigns and promotions, to heavy stakeholder engagement including high-level envoy visits to drive one-to-one dialogue and strategic destination partnerships with leading media, publishers, and travel sector stalwarts. Dubai retained high demand from families with children, one of the focus segments of the tourism strategy in the UK, accounting for 25 per cent of the share during the first nine months of 2019, up by five percentage points compared to the same period in 2018.

Oman stayed the course as one of the key drivers within the top performing markets, delivering 778,000 visitors for a 28 per cent increase year-on-year, making it the fourth highest traffic generator. Similar to the others, families were the priority for Dubai’s marketing efforts and the results were a resounding endorsement not just of the efficacy of the regional seasonal campaigns and event programming, but also of the packed retail and events calendar, offering rewarding summer packages and value offerings designed specifically to deliver memorable lifelong experiences for new and repeat audiences.

Maintaining consistency, China, one of the fastest-growing source markets, further increased tourism volumes, taking fifth spot with an impressive 14 per cent increase that saw 729,000 Chinese tourists being welcomed in the first nine months of 2019. It is a reflection of Dubai’s successful 4-pronged approach: (i) regulatory changes that were introduced earlier such as granting Chinese citizens free visa-on-arrival access to the UAE, (ii) strategies aimed at retaining relevance and attractiveness for this market through platform-based awareness programmes, (iii) tailored trip-planning via leading social and digital ecosystem partners, and (iv) in-city experiences through its ‘China Readiness’ initiative aimed at offering Chinese visitors exceptional experiences across all tourism touchpoints.

The United States, which saw a one per cent increase, and Russia, maintained their sixth and seventh positions with 481,000 and 433,000 visitors respectively in the first nine months of the year. Steadily building on the quest to become the #1 family destination for global travellers, Dubai prioritised this segment effectively in Russia as well to see a four-point increase to 34 per cent in the first nine months of 2019. Within the top 10 source markets, Germany and Pakistan also retained their eighth and ninth positions with 392,000 and 378,000 visitors respectively while Philippines, one of the fastest-growing feeder markets, staged an impressive comeback to the top 10 with a 29 per cent increase delivering 352,000 visitors.

With renewed impetus from KSA the regional leader, and Oman, the GCC further consolidated its regional foothold by increasing its share of visitor volumes to 20 per cent to match the 20 per cent in volumes from Western Europe, as they secured the joint leadership position from a regional perspective. France, which climbed two places with a 10 per cent increase and Italy with a four per cent increase boosted visitor numbers from the Western Europe region, to support UK and German volumes. South Asia was the next highest regional contributor to visitor volumes with 16 per cent, followed by a 12 per cent contribution from North Asia and South East Asia dominated by China.

Markets across the MENA region maintained a volume of 10 per cent, with Egypt climbing one place to No. 13 with a nine per cent increase in visitors. Russia, CIS and the Eastern Europe region contributed eight per cent of the volume base, with the visitor influx from this region seeing the emergence of Kazakhstan as a top 20 source market for the first time with a 24 per cent increase in volumes – thanks in part to the visa on arrival provisions which were extended to cover a wider range of countries within this region. The Americas and Africa, each with a six per cent contribution to the regional share, are testament to the success of Dubai’s market diversification strategies and its global appeal. Nigeria, the fastest growing emerging market continued to bolster the regional performance out of Africa with a massive 34 per cent increase in arrivals. Australasia rounded off the regional mix with two per cent of the market share.

His Excellency Helal Saeed Almarri, Director General, Dubai Tourism, said: “With Dubai cementing its ranking as the fourth most visited city in the world, the positive growth achieved in the first three quarters this year is exemplary of the unfailing support and confidence of our leadership – His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, in our collective ability with our partners and stakeholders, to steadily accelerate towards making Dubai the #1 most visited, preferred and revisited global destination.

“Our market-specific diversified strategy aimed at driving consideration from a broad spectrum of countries and visitor segments, continues to help us successfully navigate macro-economic vagaries over a nine-month period, culminating in a record number of visitors between January-September, particularly those choosing Dubai as their summer destination of choice. These latest figures affirm the strength of the emirate’s tourism industry, and our strong seasonal performance speaks to the effectiveness of our ‘Always On’ campaigns across key feeder markets coupled with ecosystem collaboration to deliver value, variety and diversity to all our audiences. The robust increase in travel by families from key markets, and specifically from Saudi Arabia, exemplifies Dubai’s growing appeal as a year-round ‘must-visit’ family destination, replete with events, attractions and activities for all ages.

“The ongoing consolidation in traditional strongholds and a concerted outreach in tapping the vast potential in emerging markets, yielded further dividends especially at a regional-level across Europe and GCC, in addition to the very encouraging performances from our Asian and African markets. As we head into 2020, our efforts will remain focused on attracting new, first-time and repeat visitors from emerging, as well as established markets, to ensure that Dubai stays at the forefront of the world’s widely recommended travel destinations,” HE Almarri added.

Dubai Tourism continued to launch targeted destination-focused campaigns and strategic activations across global source markets through a combination of customised programmes, stakeholder and trade partnerships. Complementing the runaway success of the diaspora focused #BeMyGuest campaign, Dubai Tourism expects to amplify the volume across the world with the latest-just launched brand campaign – Hollywood mega starrer Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Hudson and Zoe Saldana. The new project is a short film ‘A Story Takes Flight’ directed by award-winning filmmaker Reed Morano, featuring the three women embarking on highly individualistic journeys of exploration through Dubai, only to culminate in a harmonious story of inspiration, discovery, and human connections.

New campaigns in the first three quarters of the year included a highly successful ‘Monsoon’ promotion across digital platforms for Indian audiences that showcased Dubai as the perfect getaway from grey skies to over 30 million frequent travellers in India, driving urgency to book a Dubai holiday. Further, trade roadshows in three key Indian cities – Mumbai, Kolkata and Ahmedabad – helped promote Dubai’s destination offerings to over 750 travel agents.

As Dubai continues to see positive gains in visitors during the summer – particularly from regional markets – several segment specific innovative campaigns were launched during the first nine months across the GCC, such as the first-ever partnership with TikTok – the world’s leading short-form mobile video application – for the #ThisisDubai campaign. The programme that saw GCC users sharing their unique Dubai stories with specially themed music for a chance to win an exciting holiday to the emirate, resulted in over 30 million video views and over 47,000 user generated videos featuring the song ‘This is Dubai’. Familiarisation trips for KSA’s top travel agents, tour operators and media were also hosted with more than 90 representatives from trade companies and 70 journalists and influencers invited to explore the latest offerings to help them develop or showcase tailor-made itineraries for GCC audiences.

Efforts to boost arrivals from the UK market have paid off with Dubai’s omnipresent including but not limited to spearheading the marketing ongoing 360 outreach featuring the distribution of creatives across digital, social and video channels, which aims to position Dubai as the “always in season” destination for UK travellers. The first three quarters of the year also saw the launch of niche programmes that increased interest from traditionally strong audiences and tapped into emerging ones with a punchy celebrity activation featuring Rochelle Humes and Giovanna Fletcher urging consideration from families, fashionistas and fitness enthusiasts alike. Continuing to highlight the city’s thriving gastronomic portfolio, a special partnership with online food distribution network, Twisted London featured inspiring recipes and invited viewers to win a chance to experience Emirati cuisine in London. Content partnerships with The Telegraph, and News UK, enabled far-reaching editorial coverage across The Times, The Sunday Times, and The Sun to authentically substantiate Dubai’s appeal and competitiveness in this priority source market.

With China being the social and digital hotspot for marketing innovation, Dubai Tourism launched several firsts including one featuring the popular Chinese emoticon and internet character “Tuzki” in partnership with Turner Asia Pacific, a WarnerMedia company, to get over 78 million Chinese netizens engaged with Tuzki’s holiday adventures in Dubai across Weibo, WeChat and online video platforms. Similarly, partnerships with Tencent Games enabled launch of The Map as part of the successful online LEGO@Cube game application, offering players an inventive platform to explore and create Dubai’s famous landmarks in a virtual world on command.

Pakistan saw its monsoon season being welcomed by a prospective visit to Dubai as leading broadcaster ARY Network offered Pakistanis a chance to book great value holiday breaks to Dubai via ARY’s e-commerce platform, Sahulat Bazaar. The campaign yielded significant traditional and social media exposure in both Pakistan and the UAE with its unique “Chalo Dubai!” feature leveraging ‘box office king’ Humayun Saeed, and popular game show ‘Jeeto Pakistan’ host Fahad Mustafa, among others, to invite fans to travel with them to Dubai on special packages.

Apart from the visit by a high-level Dubai Tourism delegation to the UK and participation most recently at WTM, top officials also visited other leading feeder markets including Russia and Nigeria, as part of the global outreach efforts to engage with key strategic partners. In Nigeria, Dubai Tourism participated at the Akwaaba African Travel Market, West Africa’s most prestigious travel trade event, for the fourth consecutive year with a strong delegation of 21 Dubai-based partners, which included a team from Expo 2020 Dubai.

Dubai’s cruise industry continued to play a pivotal role in contributing to the emirate’s tourism sector, with Dubai strengthening its appeal as the favoured destination amongst international cruise lines and cruise tourists. Dubai concluded its 2018/2019 cruise season with a record increase of over 51 per cent in cruise tourist inflow and a 38 per cent increase in cruise ship calls season-on-season. To actively support this segment, Dubai has also taken enabling steps for cruise tourists from over 50 countries to have hassle-free access.

Further growth in visitor figures is expected, supported by an ever-evolving annual Retail Calendar featuring an attractive schedule of sales, and promotional shopping campaigns during key festivals and events, season launches, holiday periods and sales, all of which will kick off for 2020 with the 25th edition of Dubai Shopping Festival this December. Additional investment in tourism-related infrastructure will drive continued first time and repeat visitation with even more icons in the pipeline like the Museum of the Future, a unique stainless steel torus structure adorned with Arabic calligraphy that will explore the future of science, technology and innovation and Ain Dubai, a giant observation wheel that will stand at a staggering height of over 210 metres on Bluewaters Island and is set to offer 360-degree views of the Dubai skyline.

Hotel Supply

Dubai’s hospitality sector continued to expand and increase the diversity of its portfolio to offer tourists a variety of choices even as July to September alone saw openings of the Five Hotel Jumeirah Village, Vida Creek Harbour Hotel and Millennium AlBarsha. The hospitality sector has benefited from the rapidly expanding tourism market with 716 establishments offering a cumulative 119,779 available rooms in the emirate as of September 2019, a seven per cent increase over the same period last year. Average occupancy for the hotel sector stood at 73 per cent, one of the highest in the world, with establishments delivering a combined 23.12 million occupied room nights during the nine months of the year.

Peugeot closes in on best-ever year in the GCC

62 percent sales growth in GCC over the first ten months of 2019

KSA, UAE and Kuwait lead the charge for the French brand

3008 and Expert biggest sellers among passenger and commercial vehicles respectively

(25 November 2019, Middle East) Peugeot is continuing to buck the automotive market trend across the GCC, as new figures released by the French vehicle manufacturer show that the company has enjoyed a year-on-year sales increase of 62 percent over the first ten months of 2019.

In the region’s most populous country, Saudi Arabia, Peugeot sales have grown by 65 percent in the year to date, while the brand’s biggest regional market, the UAE, has seen 43 percent more vehicles bought than in the same period last year. Customers in Kuwait have purchased 7 percent more cars and vans than by this stage last year, while Oman is already experiencing strong demand for the brand’s products, having only been relaunched in the Sultanate at the end of 2018.

Peugeot’s range of stylish and innovative cars are proving ever more popular amongst motorists across the GCC. Leading the charge this year is the company’s award-winning flagship SUV, the 3008, followed by the 7-seat SUV, the 5008. Peugeot’s recently launched premium saloon, the 508 is also finding a growing number of new homes.

In October Peugeot launched its elegant Traveller ‘Combispace’, with room for up to nine occupants, at a time when the brand’s range of robust Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs) continue to gain traction. Just over half of all Peugeot LCV sales are of the versatile Expert, with the Boxer and Partner models accounting for around 20 percent each.

Rakesh Nair, Managing Director at Groupe PSA GCC, said: “Despite the challenging market conditions, the brand’s resurgence in the region continues apace, as more and more customers discover the many benefits of owning a Peugeot. We aim to finish 2019 at close to double the number of vehicles sold when compared to 2018. It’s an ambitious target, but we are confident that the brand is perfectly positioned to continue to go from strength to strength.”

With a firm focus on the ‘Push to Pass’ strategy - Groupe PSA’s vision to become a global carmaker on the leading edge of efficiency and a benchmark supplier of mobility services - 2019 has seen major steps taken to establish the Peugeot brand in the region. Key recent appointments have included a new Executive Vice President of Middle-East Africa region, a new Head of Dealer Operations and a new Head of Quality and Training at Groupe PSA GCC.