21 May, 2018

أهم نصائح الخبراء للاستعداد للخروقات الإلكترونية

ساتشين بهاردواج مدير التسويق وتطوير الأعمال لدي إي هوستينغ داتا فورت

إن الحوسبة السحابية واستخدام الهواتف المحمولة وعمليات إعتماد إنترنت الأشياء وشيكة الحدوث كلها مؤشرات على ارتفاع المخاطر التي ينطوي عليها خروقات للبيانات. و إن البقاء في حالة من التأهب للأمن الإلكتروني أمر بالغ الأهمية لأي منظمة تعتمد على البيانات التي تعد بالغة الأهمية لأعمالها. وينطبق هذا على المؤسسات من جميع الأحجام من الحكومات والمؤسسات الكبيرة والشركات الصغيرة. بل و يتخطى أيضا ليشمل نطاق الأعمال التجارية من الأعمال المصرفية ، والرعاية الصحية ، والتجزئة ، والنقل ، والنفط والغاز ، والتعليم ، وغيرها.

ووفقاً لتقرير “سايبر ترست ألاينس” لإتجاهات الخروقات والحوادث الإلكترونية 2017 ، فإن أعداد الحوادث قد تضاعفت من حوالي 82،000 حادث في عام 2016 إلى ما يقرب من 160،000 في عام 2017. كما يشير أيضًا الي أن 93 بالمائة من هذه الحوادث كان من الممكن حجبها. وهذا يسلط الضوء على خطورة الوضع حيث يجب أن تظل المنظمات مركزة على موقفها الأمني الإلكتروني وعملياتها وإجراءاتها.

إن المخاطر تتزايد في وتيرتها كما في مستوي تعقيدها أيضا. ومن الواضح أنه للحد من وطأة الهجمات الإلكترونية ، يجب أن تظل الشركات في حالة استعداد للتصدي للهجمات المستهدفة. وفي مثل هذا الأمر ، من الهام للغاية أن تستجيب الشركات بنحو فعّال للحد من خسائر البيانات وكذلك الخسائر الاقتصادية.

وفيما يلي بعض من الجوانب الأساسية التي يجب أخذها في الاعتبار للتأكد من إستعداد المنظمات لحالات الهجمات الإلكترونية :

تخصيص الميزانيات المناسبة

يعد الأمن مكلفا. سواء عبر الأجهزة ، البرمجيات ، الترقيات المستمرة أو العمالة المؤهلة، وما إلى ذلك - ويجب أن يعطى كل من هذه العناصر أهميتها الواجبة ووضعها في الإعتبار لضمان وجود نظام أمني قوي. و بينما تختار بعض المؤسسات الاستثمار داخليًا ، تتطلع العديد من المؤسسات في الوقت المعاصر إلى الاستعانة بمصادر خارجية لاحتياجاتها الأمنية عبر مقدمي خدمات طرف ثالث.

فهم ملف تعريف المخاطر الخاص بك

يوضح الملف المخاطر و السياسات والممارسات المعروفة لدى الشركة لتحديد إلي أي مدي ينبغي الذهاب و مدي الإستعداد لحماية أصولك وبياناتك. و يتمثل النهج الأساسي لفهم ملف المخاطر في إجراء ممارسات لجمع المعلومات والاعتماد على الموارد الداخلية.

وهناك بديل أكثر مهنية يقدم رؤى أكثر شمولاً وهو توظيف مستشار أو مزود حلول لإجراء تدقيق خارجي لعملياتك وبنيتك التحتية.

قم بإعداد خطة الاستجابة للحوادث

في حالة حدوث هجوم إلكتروني ، يجب أن يكون لدى المنظمات خطة للاستجابة للحوادث لمعالجة الأمر بفعالية وإبقاؤة تحت السيطرة. وتتضمن الأهداف الأساسية إنشاء فريق له أدوار ومسؤوليات محددة بوضوح. و سيكون من الهام أيضًا إعداد القواعد والتعليمات الأساسية مسبقًا ، والتي يجب اتباعها لتقليل الضرر. وحتى يتسنى لتدفق المعلومات الوصول في الوقت المناسب وبطريقة منظمة ، ويجب على المنظمات التأكد من أن الاتصال الصحيح يتم مشاركته في أنسب الأوقات على مستوى أصحاب المصلحة بما في ذلك ، الموظفين ، سلسلة التوريد ، العملاء ، وغيرهم لابقائهم على اطلاع على الوضع الحالي وكذلك فيما يتعلق بالتدابير التصحيحية الجارية.

تقليل وقت التوقف

إن البيانات أمر حاسم وهي المحرك لأي نشاط تجاري ، ولذلك يجب وضع دورها و أهميتها على مستوى عالٍ جدًا داخل المنظمة. ويجب أن تلعب السلامة والأمان لتلك البيانات دورًا أساسيًا في استراتيجية الإدارة العامة. ويعد هدف أي فريق لتقنية المعلومات في وقت الهجوم الإلكتروني هو ضمان استمرارية العمل و انتظام تقديم الخدمات. ومع ذلك ، يجب علي مجالس الإدارات والمديرين التنفيذين وضع اعتبار قوي حول منصة قانونية لضمان عدم تعرض حملة أسهمهم للخطر. لذلك ، فإن تقليل وقت التوقف عن العمل أثناء الهجوم يعتبر أمرًا أساسيًا ويمكنة التعامل مع خطط الاستمرارية المناسبة وخطط التعافي من الكوارث.

Relief for Ransomware Victims with Free Tools from Trend Micro

Middle East accounts for 4.75% of global ransomware numbers in Q1 of 2018, finds Trend Micro report;

Free tools ideal for businesses who do not use Trend Micro endpoint solution

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

The Middle East and North Africa in Q1 of 2018, have accounted for 4.75% and 1.75% respectively of global ransomware threats, and Trend Micro Incorporated (TYO: 4704; TSE: 4704), a global leader in cybersecurity solutions, is committed to protecting customers and consumers against today’s greatest security threats. Trend Micro has blocked more than 100 million ransomware threats for their customers in the last six months alone, with 99 percent of threats blocked from email and web traffic. Recognizing the growth and impact of ransomware, the company has taken a holistic approach to helping customers defend against ransomware, and is delivering:

Ransomware Readiness Assessment that helps businesses of all sizes understand vulnerabilities in their security posture, and provides concrete actions they can take

Ransomware Removal Tools that help both consumers and businesses that have been impacted by ransomware recover their data

Product Enhancements to bolster ransomware protection across four key layers of security, and provide enterprise-wide visibility of ransomware

“Ransomware threats are constantly evolving, and no business is immune. As security experts, we encourage everyone to download our free tools, and inform users on the preventive measures, and ways to tackle the situation when affected. We recommend organizations to raise awareness and train their employees regularly on these preventive measures, like backing up data, and what has to be done when they encounter ransomware in emails or compromised sites. This helps to avoid being the victim of ransomware, as paying the ransom money does not guarantee that you can recover your data. There have been numerous reports of attackers asking for another ransom following the initial payment”, commented, Cherif Djerboua, Regional Tech Leader, Trend Micro.

Enterprise Ransomware Protection

There is no silver bullet when it comes to ransomware protection; it requires a holistic approach and Trend Micro delivers ransomware protection across 4 key layers:

Email: Trend Micro delivers deeper inspection than traditional email gateways for both on premise and cloud-based email, such as Microsoft Office 365. This detects and blocks spear phishing emails and attachments or URLs that carry ransomware – the most common way ransomware infects an organization.

Endpoint: Trend Micro delivers a full range of next-gen endpoint protection capabilities to detect and block ransomware, including the shielding of unpatched vulnerabilities, application control, and behavior monitoring to keep an eye out for suspicious activity such as encryption of multiple files, with the ability to halt encryption in its tracks and isolate the infected endpoint.

Network: Trend Micro continually monitors all network traffic, all network ports and more than 100 network protocols to detect ransomware and advanced threats.

Server: Trend Micro protects servers, whether physical, virtual or in the cloud, with suspicious activity detection and prevention, vulnerability shielding to stop ransomware from exploiting known server software vulnerabilities and lateral movement detection to prevent ransomware from spreading to other servers.

“Trend Micro is now taking their industry leadership to a new level by offering stronger solutions to combat ransomware,” said John Dickson, Director of IT Infrastructure, RNDC. “Offering an all-inclusive solution and custom hotline to any enterprise customer or consumer dealing with ransomware along with upgrades to existing products will help further protect their customers in this global, digital age.”

Trend Micro delivers enhanced central visibility of how ransomware is impacting an organization – identifying ransomware delivered through email, malicious URLs, a network breach or server compromise. This enables incidents to be more rapidly investigated and resolved, as well as enables ransomware trends to be tracked over time so that an organization’s overall security posture can be improved.

“The bottom line is that it’s more important the ever to have a multi-layered approach to security for enterprises,” said Doug Cahill, senior analyst covering cybersecurity at ESG. “Trend Micro offers an extensive set of security controls to protect enterprises from ransomware providing the visibility required to understand how they are being impacted and how they can respond to improve their security posture. Their knowledge of the complexity and sophistication of ransomware brings a level of expertise that helps organizations mitigate the risk associated with this pervasive threat.”

Ransomware Protection for Small Business

No size of business is immune to ransomware and that’s why Trend Micro’s small business solution, Worry-Free Services Advanced, delivers capabilities that protect against it:

Email: Trend Micro detects and blocks malicious emails, attachments and URLs with malware scanning, web reputation and sandbox malware analysis

Endpoint: Trend Micro provides endpoint protection that includes capabilities specific to ransomware such as behavior monitoring to stop suspicious activity associated with ransomware such as the rapid encryption of multiple files

Worry-Free Services Advanced is designed specifically for small businesses as a cloud-based solution, with simple but powerful protection that minimizes day to day management.

Ransomware Protection for Home Users

Trend Micro warns consumers ransomware can arrive on their computer from compromised websites, spammed emails, or wrapped in other malware, holding precious files and photos until the user pays a fee to the cybercriminals who hold them hostage. Ransom prices can reach $600 USD or more.

Trend Micro™ Security 10 customers are already protected against ransomware. If users suspect they have ransomware on their PC computer, Trend Micro can help, even if they are not a Trend Micro Security customer:

Visit the Trend Micro Ransomware Support Center and download one of our renowned anti-ransomware tools.

Prevent future ransomware attacks with Trend Micro™ Security 10

How Artificial Intelligence based Machine Learning will Affect IT Security in Egypt

By: Rabih Itani, Regional Business Development Manager - Security, Middle East and Turkey at Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic of discussion in many industries for a while now, with healthcare, retail and hospitality, to name but a few, starting to speculate on the massive opportunities its development could bring to how their business is run, and how customers interact with those businesses. Many articles are already predicting the demise of human workers as a result of AI making inroads into our lives because we are on the verge of true artificial intelligence. But when it comes to the biggest challenges facing business, these technologies are yet to have their big breakthrough.

This may all change as we progress into this information age, and for me, the first proof point will be IT security. Having grown into one of our biggest international threats of 2018 with attacks spanning the globe and affecting every country including Middle East ones, a new defence is being developed that will allow companies in Egypt to tackle the latest threats as soon as they appear on the network.

This new defence is based on machine learning, a key component of a security framework that can move as quickly as those who are looking to breach the network. Machine learning is a fundamental part of an AI system. Machine learning enables AI to detect patterns in all sorts of data sources and create behaviours based on recognized patterns.

How does machine learning improve security?

IT teams today are faced with a moving security target. From the devices used by employees to do work, to the locations, we work in and the people, we send data to, our activities change day by day. It is important to understand, keep up with and protect against these moving goalposts.

As is clear nowadays, security is number one on the agenda for CIOs around the world, as they move to protect their organisations against the malevolent attackers who are looking to breach the network and, typically, steal personal data. This can be a tall order for most IT staff that cannot predict the subtle changes that might take place within their network day to day. These could include hundreds of new devices signing up to the network, from employee-owned mobile phones to older temperate sensors, newly connected as part of an IoT strategy.

The scale of the challenge is often just too vast when asking human IT teams to manage the data being shared by incoming and existing devices, which can easily reach into the thousands for a large enterprise. This is where machine learning comes into its own.

Using machine learning for UEBA (user entity and behavioural analytics), IT managers can create standard profiles for each device on the network. Sales managers get access to Salesforce anytime anywhere, finance teams get access to Financial Information Systems using specific devices at specific locations, and so on. The profile of each user becomes quickly personalised, and as soon as a user or entity behaves in a way that strays outside of their profile, the machine sees it, and raises the risk score of that user or entity and may accordingly send an alert, which in many cases will require the user/entity to re-authenticate. In the case of a malevolent attack, the intruder will be isolated from the rest of the network, to limit any potential damage that might have occurred.

Machines are capable of analysing millions of individual packets of data plus thousands of system logs and possibly business context data (such as HR records), making a truly individual approach to security possible, which is more than can be said for the ability of a human IT team. With the machine doing the brunt of the monitoring work within the network, the human agent need not intervene until an entity risk score gets above threshold. This automatic monitoring offers IT staff exceptional time savings, which means they can get on with tackling other IT issues throughout the organisation.

Security’s positive impact on the workforce

With AI based machine learning introduced in the workplace, security teams stand to benefit greatly. The technology isn’t here to replace the human element in security operations; it will augment the human’s intelligence, allowing staff to make better decisions based on the quality of the actions being proposed and the forensics data being furnished. Permissions, for instance, won’t be automated by artificial intelligence; it will flag the request to a human agent, who can use the information gathered, and knowledge of the actor, to make an informed decision.

These developments could ultimately change the range of jobs on offer within IT security. Security staff will move from being the operational proponent within the network, to making the decisions that could determine the security of the network. On the other hand, the Security Manager might become the Policy Manager, determining the various policies and credentials necessary to access business networks.

Whilst the approaches of human workers might change during the course of the roll-out of this technology throughout enterprises, their work will be no less important. They will still need to build security into the core of the network, regardless of the technology already in place.

As the world moves into a state of ‘data as commodity’, the network is still the most important infrastructure to maintain and keep safe as it is the first line of defence. It’s time to start thinking about these developments as they become more prevalent because human IT staff need all the help they can get when combatting increasingly intelligent threats.

Fortinet Threat Landscape Report Reveals an Evolution of Malware to Exploit Cryptocurrencies

Prevalence of Cryptomining Malware Doubled to 28%, Impacting More Than 1 in 4 Organizations

Dubai, UAE. – May 21, 2018

News Summary:

Fortinet® (NASDAQ: FTNT), a global leader in broad, integrated and automated cybersecurity solutions, today announced the findings of its latest Global Threat Landscape Report. The research reveals cybercriminals are evolving their attack methods to increase their success rates and speed infections. While ransomware continues to impact organizations in destructive ways, there are indications that some cybercriminals now prefer hijacking systems and using them for cryptomining rather than holding them for ransom. For a detailed view of the findings and some important takeaways for CISOs read the blog.

“We face a troubling convergence of trends across the cybersecurity landscape. Malicious cyber actors are demonstrating their efficiency and agility by exploiting the expanding digital attack surface, taking advantage of newly announced zero-day threats, and maximizing the accessibility of malware for bad”, said Phil Quade, chief information security officer, Fortinet. “In addition, IT and OT teams often don’t have the resources necessary to keep systems appropriately hardened or protected. Luckily, implementing a security fabric which prioritizes —speed, integration, advanced analytics, and risk-based decision making— can enable comprehensive protection at machine speed and scale.”

Highlights of the report follow:

Cybercrime Attack Methods Evolve to Ensure Success at Speed and Scale

Data indicates that cybercriminals are getting better and more sophisticated in their use of malware and leveraging newly announced zero-day vulnerabilities to attack at speed and scale. While the number of exploit detections per firm dropped by 13% in Q1 of 2018, the number of unique exploit detections grew by over 11%, while 73% of companies experienced a severe exploit.

Spike in Cryptojacking: Malware is evolving and becoming more difficult to prevent and detect. The prevalence of cryptomining malware more than doubled from quarter to quarter from 13% to 28%. Additionally, cryptojacking was quite prevalent in the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa. Cryptomining malware is also showing incredible diversity for such a relatively new threat. Cybercriminals are creating stealthier file-less malware to inject infected code into browsers with less detection. Miners are targeting multiple operating systems as well as different cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Monero. They are also fine tuning and adopting delivery and propagation techniques from other threats based on what was successful or unsuccessful to improve future success rates.

Targeted Attacks for Maximum Impact: The impact of destructive malware remains high, particularly as criminals combine it with designer attacks. For these types of more targeted attacks, criminals conduct significant reconnaissance on an organization before launching an attack, which helps them to increase success rates. Afterwards, once they permeate the network, attackers move laterally across the network before triggering the most destructive part of their planned attack. The Olympic Destroyer malware and the more recent SamSam ransomware are examples where cybercriminals combined a designer attack with a destructive payload for maximum impact.

Ransomware Continues to Disrupt: The growth in both the volume and sophistication of ransomware continues to be a significant security challenge for organizations. Ransomware continues to evolve, leveraging new delivery channels such as social engineering, and new techniques such as multi-stage attacks to evade detection and infect systems. GandCrab ransomware emerged in January with the distinction of being the first ransomware to require Dash cryptocurrency as a payment. BlackRuby and SamSam were two other ransomware variants that emerged as major threats during the first quarter of 2018.

Multiple Attack Vectors: Although the side channel attacks dubbed Meltdown and Spectre dominated the news headlines during the quarter, some of the top attacks targeted mobile devices or known exploits on router, web or Internet technologies. 21% of organizations reported mobile malware, up 7%, demonstrating that IoT devices continue to be targeted. Cybercriminals also continue to recognize the value of exploiting known vulnerabilities that haven’t been patched as well as recently discovered zero-days for increased opportunity. Microsoft continued to be the number one target for exploits, and routers took the number two spot in total attack volume. Content Management Systems (CMS) and web oriented technologies were also heavily targeted.

Cyber Hygiene - More Than Just Patching: Measuring how long botnet infections persist based on the number of consecutive days in which continued communications are detected reveals that hygiene involves more than just patching. It is also about cleanup. Data showed that 58.5% of botnet infections are detected and cleaned up the same day. 17.6% of botnets persist for two days in a row and 7.3% last three days. About 5% persist for more than a week. As an example, the Andromeda botnet was taken down in Q4 2017 but data from Q1 found it showing prominently in both volume and prevalence.

Attacks Against Operational Technology (OT): While OT attacks are a smaller percentage of the overall attack landscape, the trends are concerning. This sector is increasingly becoming connected to the Internet, with serious potential ramifications for security. Currently, the vast majority of exploit activity is directed against the two most common industrial communication protocols because they are widely-deployed and therefore highly-targeted. Data shows that in Asia ICS exploit attempts appear to be somewhat more prevalent when comparing the prevalence of ICS exploit activity across other regions.

Fighting Evolving Cybercrime Requires Integrated Security

The threat data in this quarter’s report reinforces many of the prediction trends unveiled by the Fortinet FortiGuard Labs global research team for 2018 demonstrating that the best defense against intelligent and automated threats is an integrated, broad, and automated security fabric. A highly aware and proactive security defense system is needed to keep pace with the next generation of automated and AI-based attacks.

Report Methodology
The Fortinet Global Threat Landscape Report is a quarterly view that represents the collective intelligence of FortiGuard Labs drawn from Fortinet’s vast array of sensors during Q1 2018. Research data covers global, regional, industry sector, and organizational perspectives. It focuses on three central and complementary aspects of that landscape, namely application exploits, malicious software, and botnets. It also examines important zero-day vulnerabilities. To complement the report, Fortinet publishes a free, subscription-based Threat Intelligence Brief that reviews the top malware, virus, and web-based threats discovered every week, along with links to valuable FortiGuard Labs threat research.

Additional Resources

Read our blog for more information about the research or to access the full threat report.

Sign up for the weekly FortiGuard Threat Intelligence Briefs or the FortiGuard Threat Intelligence Service.

Read more about the Fortinet Security Fabric or the Third Generation of Network Security. Watch this video about the Fortinet Security Fabric.

Follow Fortinet on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.

Mondelez Egypt Foods participates in the Egypt Corporate Games competition to develop its employees

Company teams: work environment and the encouragement we received from the company behind our success

For the second year in a row, Mondelez Egypt Foods employees have participated in Egypt Corporate Games competitions, the ultimate team building event where Egypt's biggest company teams from various sectors battle against each other in 20 sports and games for an awesome team bonding experience.

This year, Mondelez Egypt Foods managed to compete and score in many sports. They ranked first in the Foot Volley, second in fitness and mini-football competitions and third in football in a fun and quirky atmosphere.

"We are very pleased to participate this year in Egypt Corporate Games as it upholds one of the pillars of our strategy aiming at empowering employees by providing them with opportunities to develop their communication skills and spirit of cooperation by participating in sports competitions," said Sherine Al-Boghdadi, Human Resources Manager, Mondelez North Africa.

"We are always involved in sports events as they have a positive impact on promoting a true and healthy communication connection amongst our employees, which reflects on their performance not only in their career but also in their personal lives", added Sherine.

Sherine also stressed on the importance of investing in human resources, pointing out that this is one of crucial factors needed for the success of any business.

"Sports and mental health is one of the most important aspects in building teams. It is not only what employees can do in the office or on the field, but it is what the participants have to do to prepare their team for winning. This is what we saw with team Mondelez Egypt Foods. We were very pleased to see them participate for the second time and we were amazed by how advanced they became and we hope to continue to see them, more successful and more fit, in other competitions in the future", said Adam al-Zoghbi, CEO of Zone Agency Sports Marketing.

Mondelez Egypt Foods also organizes Ramadan sports tournament under the theme of "Joy Tournaments" to encourage its employees to be active in general and particularly, to support positive communication and internal cooperation.

شركة مونديليز ايجيبت فودز تشترك في مسابقة "ايجيبت كوربورات جيمز" لتنمية موظفيها

موظفو الشركة: أجواء العمل وتشجيع الشركة وراء تكاتفنا للحصول علي مراكز متقدمة

للعام الثاني علي التوالي٬ وبمشاركة العديد من الشركات والمؤسسات من مختلف القطاعات، قام موظفو شركة مونديليز ايجيبت فودز بالمشاركة في مسابقات Egypt Corporate Games، أحدأكبر المسابقات الرياضية علي مستوي شركات القطاع الخاص.

وقد استطاع هذا العام موظفو شركة مونديليز ايجيبت فودز التنافس وإحراز مراكز متقدمة في العديد من الرياضات منها المركز الأول في الفوت فولي، والمركز الثاني في كل من منافسات اللياقة البدنية وكرة القدم المصغرة والمركز الثالث في كرة القدم، في جو ساده التنافس الشريف والمرح.

تقول شيرين البغدادي، مدير الموارد البشرية بمونديليز شمال أفريقيا: "سعدنا كثيرا بمشاركتنا هذا العام في مسابقاتEgypt Corporate Games حيث انها تُفعِّل أحد اعمدة استراتيجية الشركة في تمكين الموظفين من خلال إتاحة الفرصة لهم لتنمية التواصل وروح التعاون بينهم من خلال الإشتراك في المسابقات الرياضية".

وأضافتشيرين: "نحن دائما نشارك في الفعاليات الرياضية لما لها من اثر إيجابي علي تعزيز التواصل الصحي والسيلم فيما بين موظفينا بما ينعكس علي أداءهم ليس فقط في حياتهم العملية ولكن ايضا في حياتهم الشخصية."

كما أكدت شيرين في حديثها علي أهمية الاستثمار في الموارد البشرية مشيرة الي أنها من أهم عوامل نجاح أي مؤسسة.

يقول ادم الزغبي، المدير التنفيذي لشركة زون اجنسي لتسويق الانشطة الرياضية: "تعد الصحة الرياضية والذهنية من الامور الأكثر أهمية في بناء فرق العمل. ولا تقتصر هذه الاهمية علي ما يقوم به الموظفون داخل المكتب أوالملعب وانما يتعلق الامر بما يتوجب علي المشاركين القيام به لاعداد فريقهم من أجل تحقيق النجاح. وهذا ما رأيناه من فريق مونديليز ايجيبت فودز. سعدنا كثيرا بمشاركتهم وسعدنا أكثر لإحرازهم مراكز متقدمة في عدة رياضات ونتمني أن تستمر مشاركتهم في منافسات اخري في المستقبل".

يذكر أن مونديليز ايجيبت فودز تقوم ايضاً بتنظيم دورات رمضانية تحت عنوان "Joy Tournaments" لتشجيع موظفيها علي ممارسة الرياضة بشكل عام ودعم التواصل الايجابي بين الموظفين بشكل خاص.
